| | Publication Year | Title | Author(s) |
| 41 | Apr-2019 | Carotid Artery Stenting: Current State of Evidence and Future Directions. | Lamanna, Anthony ; Maingard, Julian; Barras, Christen; Kok, Hong Kuan; Handelman, Guy; Chandra, Ronil V; Thijs, Vincent N ; Brooks, Duncan Mark ; Asadi, Hamed |
| 2 | 16-May-1992 | Case report 709: Transverse fracture with epidural and small paravertebral hematomata, in a patient with ankylosing spondylitis. | Fitt, Gregory J ; Hennessy, O F; Thomas, D |
| 3 | Jan-2021 | Case report: hepatic falciform artery - an important anatomical variant. | Cheung, Ernest ; Chen, Xiao ; Kutaiba, Numan |
| 4 | Apr-2019 | Catheter-Directed Fenestration for Branch Vessel Reconnection in Aortic Dissection Using a Novel Diamond-Tipped Chronic Total Occlusion Drilling Device: A Technical Report. | Ghali, Rim; Maingard, Julian; Kok, Hong Kuan; Matalanis, George ; Seevanayagam, Siven ; Asadi, Hamed ; Brooks, Duncan Mark |
| 5 | 28-Dec-2017 | Cerebral arterial gas embolism from attempted mechanical thrombectomy: recovery following hyperbaric oxygen therapy. | Segan, Louise; Permezel, Fiona ; Ch'ng, Wei; Millar, Ian; Brooks, Duncan Mark ; Lee-Archer, Matt; Cloud, Geoffrey |
| 6 | 2016 | Chronic behavior disturbance and neurocognitive deficits in neuro-Behcet's disease: a case study. | Fisher, Caroline A; Sewell, Katherine; Baker, Amy |
| 7 | 20-Apr-2010 | Ciné phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging for the measurement of renal blood flow. | Prowle, John R; Molan, Maurice P; Hornsey, Emma ; Bellomo, Rinaldo |
| 8 | 1-Oct-2014 | Clinical applications of 3D T2-weighted MRI in pelvic imaging. | Lim, Kelvin K; Noe, Geertje; Hornsey, Emma ; Lim, Ruth P |
| 9 | 13-Jul-2020 | Clinical Challenges and Images in GI: An extraordinary cause of dyspnoea and weight loss. | Hanrahan, Timothy P; Goodwin, Mark D ; Testro, Adam G |
| 10 | 12-May-2022 | Clinical Outcomes Following Rectal Artery Embolisation for the Treatment of Internal Haemorrhoids: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. | Nguyenhuy, Minhtuan; Xu, Yifan; Kok, Hong Kuan; Maingard, Julian; Joglekar, Shantanu; Jhamb, Ashu; Brooks, Mark; Asadi, Hamed |
| 11 | 27-Oct-2021 | Clinical outcomes of patients with two small hepatocellular carcinomas. | Pham, Anh Duy; Vaz, Karl; Ardalan, Zaid S; Sinclair, Marie ; Apostolov, Ross ; Gardner, Sarah; Majeed, Ammar; Mishra, Gauri; Kam, Ning Mao; Patwala, Kurvi; Kutaiba, Numan ; Arachchi, Niranjan; Bell, Sally; Dev, Anouk T; Lubel, John S; Nicoll, Amanda J; Sood, Siddharth ; Kemp, William; Roberts, Stuart K; Fink, Michael A ; Testro, Adam G ; Angus, Peter W ; Gow, Paul J |
| 12 | 31-Jul-2019 | CODE STROKE ALERT-Concept and Development of a Novel Open-Source Platform to Streamline Acute Stroke Management. | Seah, Huey Ming; Burney, Moe; Phan, Michael; Shell, Daniel; Wu, Jamin; Zhou, Kevin; Brooks, Owen; Coulton, Bronwyn; Maingard, Julian; Tang, Jennifer; Yazdabadi, Gohar; Tahayori, Bahman; Barras, Christen; Kok, Hong Kuan; Chandra, Ronil; Thijs, Vincent N ; Brooks, Duncan Mark ; Asadi, Hamed |
| 13 | 19-Nov-2020 | COILUMICA: coil embolization of a coronary artery to pulmonary artery fistula via novel dual lumen micro catheter technique. | Nambiar, Mithun; Maingard, Julian; Li, Kenny; Slater, Lee-Anne; Chandra, Ronil V; Chong, Winston; Brooks, Duncan Mark ; McGaw, David; Asadi, Hamed |
| 14 | Oct-2021 | Combined interventional radiology and surgical management of a complex caesarean scar ectopic pregnancy. | Rajadurai, Suraindra M; Wong, Avelyn; Brooks, Duncan Mark ; Vance, Carol |
| 15 | Jan-2017 | Combined use of iterative reconstruction and monochromatic imaging in spinal fusion CT images. | Wang, Fengdan; Zhang, Yan; Xue, Huadan; Han, Wei; Yang, Xianda; Jin, Zhengyu; Zwar, Richard B |
| 16 | 16-Nov-2017 | Combined Vertebral Augmentation and Radiofrequency Ablation in the Management of Spinal Metastases: an Update. | Kam, Ning Mao; Maingard, Julian; Kok, Hong Kuan; Ranatunga, Dinesh; Brooks, Duncan; Torreggiani, William C; Munk, Peter L; Lee, Michael J; Chandra, Ronil V; Asadi, Hamed |
| 17 | Apr-2019 | Comparative sensitivity and specificity of imaging modalities in staging bladder cancer prior to radical cystectomy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. | Crozier, Jack; Papa, Nathan P; Perera, Marlon ; Ngo, Brian ; Bolton, Damien M ; Sengupta, Shomik ; Lawrentschuk, Nathan |
| 18 | 28-Apr-2022 | Comparing treatment outcomes of various intracranial bifurcation aneurysms locations using the Woven EndoBridge (WEB) device. | Adeeb, Nimer; Dibas, Mahmoud; Diestro, Jose Danilo Bengzon; Phan, Kevin; Cuellar-Saenz, Hugo H; Sweid, Ahmad; Lay, Sovann V; Guenego, Adrien; Aslan, Assala; Renieri, Leonardo; Sundararajan, Sri Hari; Saliou, Guillaume; Möhlenbruch, Markus; Regenhardt, Robert W; Vranic, Justin E; Lylyk, Ivan; Foreman, Paul M; Vachhani, Jay A; Župančić, Vedran; Hafeez, Muhammad U; Rutledge, Caleb; Waqas, Muhammad; Tutino, Vincent M; Rabinov, James D; Ren, Yifan; Schirmer, Clemens M; Piano, Mariangela; Kuhn, Anna L; Michelozzi, Caterina; Elens, Stephanie; Starke, Robert M; Hassan, Ameer; Salehani, Arsalaan; Brehm, Alex; MohammedAli, MajdEddin; Jones, Jesse; Psychogios, Marios; Spears, Julian; Lubicz, Boris; Panni, Pietro; Puri, Ajit S; Pero, Guglielmo; Griessenauer, Christoph J; Asadi, Hamed ; Siddiqui, Adnan; Ducruet, Andrew; Albuquerque, Felipe C; Du, Rose; Kan, Peter; Kalousek, Vladimir; Lylyk, Pedro; Stapleton, Christopher J; Boddu, Srikanth; Knopman, Jared; Aziz-Sultan, Mohammad A; Limbucci, Nicola; Jabbour, Pascal; Cognard, Christophe; Patel, Aman B; Dmytriw, Adam A |
| 19 | Oct-2018 | Comparison between site and central radiological assessments for patients with recurrent glioblastoma on a clinical trial. | Field, Kathryn M; Fitt, Gregory J ; Rosenthal, Mark A; Simes, John; Nowak, Anna K; Barnes, Elizabeth H; Sawkins, Kate; Goh, Christine; Moffat, Bradford A; Salinas, Simon; Cher, Lawrence M ; Wheeler, Helen; Hovey, Elizabeth J; Phal, Pramit M |
| 20 | 8-Nov-2017 | Comparison between site and central radiological assessments for patients with recurrent glioblastoma on a clinical trial. | Field, Kathryn M; Fitt, Gregory J ; Rosenthal, Mark A; Simes, John; Nowak, Anna K; Barnes, Elizabeth H; Sawkins, Kate; Goh, Christine; Moffat, Bradford A; Salinas, Simon; Cher, Lawrence; Wheeler, Helen; Hovey, Elizabeth J; Phal, Pramit M |