OrgUnit's Researchers

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Brooks, Duncan

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 201-220 of 321 (Search time: 0.014 seconds).

Publication YearTitleAuthor(s)
2011-Apr-2007Percutaneous fluoroscopic removal of a knotted Swan-Ganz catheter in a patient with a persistent left-sided superior vena cava.Ranatunga, D G; Richardson, M G; Brooks, Duncan Mark 
202Dec-2019Percutaneous transhepatic Laser lithotripsy for intrahepatic cholelithiasis.Lamanna, Anthony ; Maingard, Julian; Tai, James ; Ranatunga, Dinesh G ; Goodwin, Mark D 
203Dec-2019Percutaneous transhepatic laser lithotripsy for intrahepatic cholelithiasis: A technical report.Lamanna, Anthony ; Maingard, Julian; Bates, Davina; Ranatunga, Dinesh G ; Goodwin, Mark D 
204Nov-2016PET/CT findings within the contralateral tonsil following unilateral tonsillectomyHirshoren, Nir; Olayos, Elizabeth; Callahan, Jason; Lau, Eddie 
2052000Pharmacokinetic analysis of pegylated megakaryocyte growth and development factor in humans.De Boer, R H; Roskos, L K; Cheung, E ; Fox, S; Basser, R L; Marty, J; Begley, C G; Cebon, Jonathan S 
206Jun-2022A Phase I First in Human Study of Embraceā„¢ a Polyethylene Glycol Based Liquid Embolic in the Embolization of Malignant and Benign Hypervascular Tumors.Goh, Gerard S; Goodwin, Mark D ; Huang, Jee-Fu; Kavnoudias, Helen; Holden, Andrew
207Jun-2022A Pilot First-in-Human Study of Embrace, a Polyethylene Glycol-Based Liquid Embolic Agent, in the Embolization of Malignant and Benign Hypervascular Tumors.Goh, Gerard S; Goodwin, Mark D ; Huang, Jee-Fu; Kavnoudias, Helen; Holden, Andrew
20830-Jul-2022A pilot study investigating the role of 18 F-FDG-PET in the early identification of chemoradiotherapy response in anal cancer.Smith, Drew; Joon, Daryl Lim; Knight, Kellie; Sim, Jenny; Schneider, Michal; Lau, Eddie ; Foroudi, Farshad ; Khoo, Vincent
209Aug-2019A pilot study of intrahepatic yttrium-90 microsphere radioembolization in combination with intravenous cisplatin for uveal melanoma liver-only metastases.Arulananda, Surein; Parakh, Sagun ; Palmer, Jodie ; Goodwin, Mark D ; Andrews, Miles C; Cebon, Jonathan S 
210Nov-2023Pneumorrhachis secondary to exacerbation of asthma: A case report and literature reviewZhao, Chris Zi-Fan; Poci, Nadia; Niewodowski, Daniel; Baker, Amy ; McDonald, Christine F 
2111-Feb-2007Portal circulation aneurysms: two case reviews.Perret, W L; de Silva, A; Elzarka, A; Schelleman, Anthony 
21218-Oct-2021Portal Venous Pulsatility Index as a predictor of fibrosis in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.Lu, Shisheng; Archard, Robyn; Mcleod, Linda; Banh, Angus; Con, Danny; Ardalan, Zaid; Kutaiba, Numan 
213May-2017Predictors of delay to cystoscopy and adequacy of investigations in patients with haematuria.Ngo, Brian ; Papa, Nathan P; Perera, Marlon ; Bolton, Damien M ; Sengupta, Shomik 
21424-Oct-2007Predictors of early dialysis vascular-access failure after thrombolysis.Crikis, Sandra; Lee, Darren; Brooks, Duncan Mark ; Power, David Anthony; Ierino, Francesco L; Levidiotis, Vicki
2151-Mar-2001Preoperative assessment of hand circulation by means of Doppler ultrasonography and the modified Allen test.Ruengsakulrach, P; Brooks, Duncan Mark ; Hare, David L ; Gordon, I; Buxton, Brian F 
216May-2022Preoperative Imaging in Patients with Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis (DIE): An Important aid in Predicting Depth of Infiltration in Rectosigmoid Disease.Sloss, Samantha; Mooney, Samantha; Ellett, Lenore; Readman, Emma; Ma, Tony; Brouwer, Richard; Yang, Natalie ; Stone, Kate; Maher, Peter; Ireland-Jenkin, Kerryn 
217May-2022Preoperative Imaging in Patients with Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis: An Important Aid in Predicting Depth of Infiltration in Rectosigmoid Disease.Sloss, Samantha; Mooney, Samantha; Ellett, Lenore; Readman, Emma; Ma, Tony; Brouwer, Richard; Yang, Natalie ; Ireland-Jenkin, Kerryn ; Stone, Kate; Maher, Peter
218Mar-2020Prevalence, characteristics, drainage and outcome of radiologically diagnosed pleural effusions in critically ill patients.Bates, Davina; Yang, Natalie ; Bailey, Michael; Bellomo, Rinaldo 
21929-Sep-2020Primary intradural Hodgkin lymphoma of the conus medullaris and cauda equina: case report.Williamson, Timothy J ; Wang, Michael T ; Clark, Jonathan CM ; Williams, Julia; Drnda, Armin
2029-May-2020Prognostic role of alpha-fetoprotein in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma treated with repeat transarterial chemoembolisation.Mishra, Gauri; Dev, Anouk; Paul, Eldho; Cheung, Wa; Koukounaras, Jim; Jhamb, Ashu; Marginson, Ben; Lim, Beng Ghee; Simkin, Paul; Borsaru, Adina; Burnes, James; Goodwin, Mark D ; Ramachandra, Vivek; Spanger, Manfred; Lubel, John; Gow, Paul J ; Sood, Siddharth ; Thompson, Alexander; Ryan, Marno; Nicoll, Amanda; Bell, Sally; Majeed, Ammar; Kemp, William; Roberts, Stuart K