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Title: Catheter-Directed Fenestration for Branch Vessel Reconnection in Aortic Dissection Using a Novel Diamond-Tipped Chronic Total Occlusion Drilling Device: A Technical Report.
Austin Authors: Ghali, Rim;Maingard, Julian;Kok, Hong Kuan;Matalanis, George ;Seevanayagam, Siven ;Asadi, Hamed ;Brooks, Duncan Mark 
Affiliation: Department of Radiology, Northern Hospital, Epping, Australia
School of Medicine - Faculty of Health, Deakin University, Waurn Ponds, Australia
Department of Cardiac Surgery, Austin Health, Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia
Interventional Radiology Service, Department of Radiology, Austin Health, Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia
Interventional Neuroradiology Service, Department of Radiology, Austin Health, Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia
Department of Imaging, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Issue Date: Apr-2019
Date: 2018-12-05
Publication information: Cardiovascular and interventional radiology 2019; 42(4): 608-614
Abstract: Aortic dissection is a complex condition with high morbidity and mortality. Endovascular treatments including percutaneous fenestration can be used to manage branch vessel ischaemia or risk of aortic rupture. A variety of techniques for aortic fenestration have been described. We describe the novel use of the TruePath Chronic Total Occlusion (CTO) device for aortic intimal fenestration to achieve side branch reconnection. We present three cases of aortic dissection presenting with symptoms of aortic side branch occlusion and end organ malperfusion, treated with aortic fenestration using the TruePath CTO device via trans-brachial and trans-femoral approaches. Technical success was achieved in all three cases. No complications were encountered. Flow was restored in compromised visceral branches. Branches remained patent on follow-up CT angiography over a minimum 2.5-year follow-up period. Percutaneous aortic fenestration techniques enable a minimally invasive approach to treat visceral branch malperfusion associated with aortic dissection. The TruePath CTO device improves the control of the fenestration procedure with the potential to improve efficacy and safety.
DOI: 10.1007/s00270-018-2124-8
ORCID: 0000-0001-8492-0434
Journal: Cardiovascular and interventional radiology
PubMed URL: 30519727
Type: Journal Article
Subjects: Aortic dissection
False lumen
Intimal fenestration
True lumen
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