Anthony Schelleman

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Anthony Schelleman
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Schelleman, Anthony
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Results 1-9 of 9 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

Publication YearTitleAuthor(s)
1Dec-2019Endovascular treatment of a hepatic artery pseudoaneurysm using a novel pericardium covered stent.Larner, Brett ; Maingard, Julian; Ren, Yifan; Kok, Hong Kuan; Chandra, Ronil V; Lee, Michael J; Schelleman, Anthony ; Brooks, Duncan Mark ; Asadi, Hamed 
2Nov-2018Dilated abdominal veins from Budd-Chiari syndrome and caval obstruction.Apostolov, Ross ; Schelleman, Anthony ; Gow, Paul J 
3Sep-2017Regression of hepatocellular adenomas and systemic inflammatory syndrome after cessation of estrogen therapy.Sinclair, Marie ; Schelleman, Anthony ; Sandhu, Daljean ; Angus, Peter W 
42-Dec-2014Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography to evaluate changes in renal cortical microcirculation induced by noradrenaline: a pilot study.Schneider, Antoine G; Goodwin, Mark D ; Schelleman, Anthony ; Bailey, Michael J; Johnson, Lynne; Bellomo, Rinaldo 
53-Nov-2014Contrast-enhanced ultrasound evaluation of the renal microcirculation response to terlipressin in hepato-renal syndrome: a preliminary report.Schneider, Antoine G; Schelleman, Anthony ; Goodwin, Mark D ; Bailey, Michael J; Eastwood, Glenn M ; Bellomo, Rinaldo 
625-Oct-2013Recurrence of hepatopulmonary syndrome post-orthotopic liver transplantation in a patient with noncirrhotic portal hypertension.Casey, Stephen ; Schelleman, Anthony ; Angus, Peter W 
76-May-2011Bench-to-bedside review: contrast enhanced ultrasonography--a promising technique to assess renal perfusion in the ICU.Schneider, Antoine G; Johnson, Lynne; Goodwin, Mark D ; Schelleman, Anthony ; Bellomo, Rinaldo 
812-Apr-2008An assessment of the accuracy of renal blood flow estimation by Doppler ultrasound.Wan, Li; Yang, Natalie ; Hiew, Chee-Yan; Schelleman, Anthony ; Johnson, Lynne; May, Clive N; Bellomo, Rinaldo 
91-Feb-2007Portal circulation aneurysms: two case reviews.Perret, W L; de Silva, A; Elzarka, A; Schelleman, Anthony