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Title: Validity and reliability of a smartphone inclinometer app for measuring passive upper limb range of motion in a stroke population.
Austin Authors: Lin, Natalie Chew Jin;Hayward, Kathryn S ;D'Cruz, Kate;Thompson, Eloise;Li, Xia;Lannin, Natasha A
Affiliation: Department of Occupational Therapy, Singapore General Hospital, Bukit Merah, Singapore
The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health
School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, La Trobe University, Bundoora, VIC, Australia
School of Allied Health, La Trobe University, Bundoora, VIC, Australia
Department of Occupational Therapy, Alfred Health, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Department of Occupational Therapy, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Parkville, VIC, Australia
Issue Date: Nov-2020
Date: 2019-04-23
Publication information: Disability and Rehabilitation 2020; 42(22): 3243-3249
Abstract: Purpose: To demonstrate the validity and reliability of a smartphone app to measure ROM after stroke.Materials and methods: Twenty-one stroke survivors with a diagnosis of stroke that affected the motor cortex or subcortical motor pathways and were hospital inpatients at one of two metropolitan hospitals were recruited. A within-session test-retest design was used to compare ROM measurements taken using the GetMyROM app for iPhone to those taken by a digital inclinometer. Torque-controlled passive elbow and wrist extension were collected and statistical analysis of concurrent validity and test-retest reliability performed.Results: GetMyROM app was valid when compared to the digital inclinometer for measuring passive ROM of the elbow (r = .98, p = .0001, ICC  =  0.97) and wrist (r = .97, p = .0001, ICC  =  0.96) in individuals with acute stroke. Both the GetMyROM app and inclinometer demonstrated excellent test-retest reliability: ICC values are 0.84 to 0.93, and standard error of measurement between 6° to 10°.Conclusion: The GetMyROM app may be implemented in a clinical setting similar to that where the study was conducted, enabling rehabilitation physicians and therapists to use a smartphone to take precise measurements of ROM in daily clinical practice.Implications for rehabilitationApproximately half of all stroke survivors experience reduced passive upper limb range of movement.Accurate measurement of passive upper limb range of movement using validated assessments and/or instruments is paramount.This study demonstrates that the GetMyROM app is valid and reliable compared to the gold standard comparison (digital inclinometer), and is therefore appropriate to use in clinical settings to take precise measurements.
DOI: 10.1080/09638288.2019.1585972
ORCID: 0000-0001-5240-3264
Journal: Disability and Rehabilitation
PubMed URL: 33084443
Type: Journal Article
Subjects: Technology
range of movement
upper limb
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