George P Drewett

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George P Drewett
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Drewett, George P
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Results 1-16 of 16 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Publication YearTitleAuthor(s)
126-Sep-2022Public health response to a norovirus viral gastroenteritis outbreak in early childhood learning centres in Victoria, Australia, 2021.Drewett, George P ; Arnold, Anna-Lena; Bruggink, Leesa; Borg, Sarah; Sturge, Kaye; Bolam, Bruce
26-Jun-2022Anaphylaxis in Victoria: presentations to emergency departments, with a focus on drug- and antimicrobial-related cases.Drewett, George P ; Encena, Jess; Gregory, Joy; Franklin, Lucinda; Trubiano, Jason 
319-May-2022SARS-CoV-2 infection results in immune responses in the respiratory tract and peripheral blood that suggest mechanisms of disease severity.Zhang, Wuji; Chua, Brendon Y; Selva, Kevin J; Kedzierski, Lukasz; Ashhurst, Thomas M; Haycroft, Ebene R; Shoffner-Beck, Suzanne K; Hensen, Luca; Boyd, David F; James, Fiona L ; Mouhtouris, Effie ; Kwong, Jason C ; Chua, Kyra Y L ; Drewett, George P ; Copaescu, Ana ; Dobson, Julie E ; Rowntree, Louise C; Habel, Jennifer R; Allen, Lilith F; Koay, Hui-Fern; Neil, Jessica A; Gartner, Matthew J; Lee, Christina Y; Andersson, Patiyan; Khan, Sadid F; Blakeway, Luke; Wisniewski, Jessica; McMahon, James H; Vine, Erica E; Cunningham, Anthony L; Audsley, Jennifer; Thevarajan, Irani; Seemann, Torsten; Sherry, Norelle L ; Amanat, Fatima; Krammer, Florian; Londrigan, Sarah L; Wakim, Linda M; King, Nicholas J C; Godfrey, Dale I; Mackay, Laura K; Thomas, Paul G; Nicholson, Suellen; Arnold, Kelly B; Chung, Amy W; Holmes, Natasha E ; Smibert, Olivia C ; Trubiano, Jason ; Gordon, Claire L ; Nguyen, Thi H O; Kedzierska, Katherine
419-May-2022Effect of COVID-19 restrictions and border closures on vaccine preventable diseases in Victoria, Australia, 2020-2021.Bhatt, Paraag; Strachan, Janet; Easton, Marion; Franklin, Lucinda; Drewett, George 
5Apr-2022The use of procalcitonin as an antimicrobial stewardship tool and a predictor of disease severity in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).Drewett, George P ; Smibert, Olivia C ; Holmes, Natasha E ; Trubiano, Jason 
6Jan-2022Junior doctors voice strong desire for clinical ethics teaching.Schnall, Jesse A ; Drewett, George P ; Heynemann, Sarah; McDougall, Rosalind; Ko, Danielle 
7Oct-2021The safety and efficacy of direct oral challenge in trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole antibiotic allergy.Rose, Morgan T ; Vogrin, Sara; Chua, Kyra Y L ; Drewett, George P ; Douglas, Abby; Slavin, Monica; Holmes, Natasha E ; Trubiano, Jason 
827-Sep-2021COVID-Care - a safe and successful digital self-assessment tool for outpatients with proven and suspected coronavirus-2019.Drewett, George P ; Holmes, Natasha E ; Trubiano, Jason ; Vogrin, Sara; Feldman, Jeff; Rose, Morgan T 
9Sep-2021Defective Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Immune Responses in an Immunocompromised Individual With Prolonged Viral Replication.Gordon, Claire L ; Smibert, Olivia C ; Holmes, Natasha E ; Chua, Kyra Y L ; Rose, Morgan T ; Drewett, George P ; James, Fiona L ; Mouhtouris, Effie ; Nguyen, Thi H O; Zhang, Wuji; Kedzierski, Lukasz; Rowntree, Louise C; Chua, Brendon Y; Caly, Leon; Catton, Mike G; Druce, Julian; Sait, Michelle; Seemann, Torsten; Sherry, Norelle L ; Howden, Benjamin P ; Kedzierska, Katherine; Kwong, Jason C ; Trubiano, Jason 
10Sep-2021Practical ethical challenges and moral distress among staff in a hospital COVID-19 screening service.Drewett, George P ; Gibney, Grace; Ko, Danielle 
1129-Jul-2021Asystolic cardiac arrest following liposomal amphotericin B infusion: anaphylaxis or compliment activation-related pseudoallergy?Drewett, George P ; Copaescu, Ana ; DeLuca, Joseph; Holmes, Natasha E ; Trubiano, Jason 
12May-2021Risk factors for readmission following inpatient management of COVID-19 in a low-prevalence setting.Drewett, George P ; Chan, R Kimberley; Jones, Nicholas ; Wimaleswaran, Hari ; Howard, Mark E ; McDonald, Christine F ; Kwong, Jason C ; Smibert, Olivia C ; Holmes, Natasha E ; Trubiano, Jason 
1316-Apr-2021Evolution of the Human Cytokine Response from Acute Illness to Disease Resolution in SARS-Cov-2 Infection-Implications for Therapeutic Monitoring and Therapeutic Targets.Drewett, George P ; Copaescu, Ana ; Mouhtouris, Effie ; Hannan, Natalie; James, Fiona L ; Smibert, Olivia C ; Holmes, Natasha E ; Trubiano, Jason 
14Apr-2021Multi-site assessment of rapid, point-of-care antigen testing for the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection in a low-prevalence setting: A validation and implementation study.Muhi, Stephen; Tayler, Nick; Hoang, Tuyet; Ballard, Susan A; Graham, Maryza; Rojek, Amanda; Kwong, Jason C ; Trubiano, Jason ; Smibert, Olivia C ; Drewett, George P ; James, Fiona L ; Gardiner, Emma; Chea, Socheata; Isles, Nicole; Sait, Michelle; Pasricha, Shivani; Taiaroa, George; McAuley, Julie; Williams, Eloise; Gibney, Katherine B; Stinear, Timothy P; Bond, Katherine; Lewin, Sharon R; Putland, Mark; Howden, Benjamin P ; Williamson, Deborah A
1517-Mar-2021The Role of Immunological and Clinical Biomarkers to Predict Clinical COVID-19 Severity and Response to Therapy-A Prospective Longitudinal Study.Copaescu, Ana ; James, Fiona L ; Mouhtouris, Effie ; Vogrin, Sara; Smibert, Olivia C ; Gordon, Claire L ; Drewett, George P ; Holmes, Natasha E ; Trubiano, Jason 
1625-Jan-2021The Use of Procalcitonin as an Antimicrobial Stewardship Tool and a Predictor of Disease Severity in COVID-19.Drewett, George P ; Smibert, Olivia C ; Holmes, Natasha E ; Trubiano, Jason