Joseph J Ischia

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Joseph J Ischia
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Ischia, Joseph J
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Results 1-20 of 43 (Search time: 0.01 seconds).

Publication YearTitleAuthor(s)
118-Jan-2024Near-infrared spectroscopy as a novel method of ex vivo bladder cancer tissue characterisation.Yim, Arthur; Alberto, Matthew; Sharma, Varun; Green, Alexander; Mclean, Aaron; du Plessis, Justin; Wong, Lih-Ming ; Wood, Bayden; Ischia, Joseph J ; Raman, Jaishankar; Bolton, Damien M 
2Jan-2024Fluoroquinolone resistance in urinary tract infections: Epidemiology, mechanisms of action and management strategies.Thompson, Daryl; Xu, Jennifer; Ischia, Joseph J ; Bolton, Damien M 
315-Dec-2023A novel two-stage approach to the treatment of renal cell carcinoma with intra-cardiac tumour extension and Budd-Chiari syndrome.Perini, Marcos V ; Ischia, Joseph J ; Woon, Dixon; Bhaskar, Jayapadman; Starkey, Graham M ; Qi, Sara; Wetherell, David ; Ellard, Louise ; McCall, Peter R ; Miles, Lachlan F ; Seevanayagam, Siven 
46-Dec-2023Clinical Trial Protocol for PRIMARY2: A Multicentre, Phase 3, Randomised Controlled Trial Investigating the Additive Diagnostic Value of [68Ga]Ga-PSMA-11 Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography in Men with Negative or Equivocal Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging for the Diagnosis of Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer.Buteau, James P; Moon, Daniel; Fahey, Michael T; Roberts, Matthew J; Thompson, James; Murphy, Declan G; Papa, Nathan; Mitchell, Catherine; De Abreu Lourenco, Richard; Dhillon, Haryana M; Kasivisvanathan, Veeru; Francis, Roslyn J; Stricker, Phillip; Agrawal, Shihka; O'Brien, Jonathan; McVey, Aoife ; Sharma, Gaurav; Levy, Sidney; Ayati, Narjess ; Nguyen, Andrew; Lee, Su-Faye; Pattison, David A; Sivaratnam, Dinesh; Frydenberg, Mark; Du, Yang; Titus, Jehan; Lee, Sze Ting ; Ischia, Joseph J ; Jack, Greg; Hofman, Michael S; Emmett, Louise
5Jul-2023Immuno-oncology therapy associated thromboembolic events in metastatic renal cell carcinoma.Alhamdani, Zein; Alberto, Matthew; Ischia, Joseph J 
6May-2023Benign ultrasound in a young adult with pT2 seminoma - beware the malignant potential of undescended testes.Chen, David C; Qin, Kirby R ; Perera, Marlon ; du Plessis, Justin; Gibson, Luke; Woon, Dixon; Bolton, Damien M ; Ischia, Joseph J 
720233D printed patient-specific prostate cancer models to guide nerve-sparing robot-assisted radical prostatectomy: a systematic review.Coles-Black, Jasamine ; Ong, Sean; Teh, Jiasian ; Kearns, Paul; Ischia, Joseph J ; Bolton, Damien M ; Lawrentschuk, Nathan
82023Postoperative complications and hospital costs following open radical cystectomy: A retrospective study.Weinberg, Laurence ; Aitken, Sarah Aishah Azlina; Kaldas, Peter; Fletcher, Luke R ; Lloyd-Donald, Patryck ; Le, Peter; Do, Daniel; Caruana, Carla Borg; Walpole, Dominic; Ischia, Joseph J ; Ma, Ronald ; Tan ; Lee, Dong-Kyu
92023Global changes in bladder cancer mortality in the elderly.Tempo, Jake; Yiu, Ting Wai; Ischia, Joseph J ; Bolton, Damien M ; O'Callaghan, Michael
101-Jun-2022Transfusion-Related Renal Dysfunction After Cardiac Surgery: The Role of Myeloid-Related Protein_14 in Neutrophil-Mediated Tubular Damage.Vourc'h, Mickael; Roquilly, Antoine; Foucher, Adrien; Retiere, Christelle; Feuillet, Fanny; Devi, Sapna; McWilliam, Hamish E G; Braudeau, Cecile; Bourreille, Geraldine; Hachani, Abderrahman; O'Kane, Dermot B ; Mueller, Scott N; Ischia, Joseph J ; Roussel, Jean-Christian; Rigal, Jean-Christophe; Josien, Regis; Rozec, Bertrand; Villadangos, Jose A; Asehnoune, Karim
1126-Apr-2022Case Report: Reversal of Hyaluronic Acid Rectal Wall Infiltration with Hyaluronidase.Hong, Anne; Ischia, Joseph J ; Chao, Michael 
122022Role of PSMA PET-guided metastases-directed therapy in oligometastatic recurrent prostate cancer.Alberto, Matthew; Yim, Arthur; Papa, Nathan; Siva, Shankar; Ischia, Joseph J ; Touijer, Karim; Eastham, James A; Bolton, Damien M ; Perera, Marlon 
132022Clinical photography on personal mobile devices: a perspective on the issues facing surgeons.Tempo, Jake; Mondschein, Romy; Ischia, Joseph J ; Papa, Nathan; Perera, Marlon ; Bolton, Damien M 
14Nov-2021On-Demand Manufacturing of Inexpensive 3D Printed Meatal Dilators During Supply Chain Disruptions.Coles-Black, Jasamine ; Chao, Ian; Ischia, Joseph J ; Lawrentschuk, Nathan; Gyomber, Dennis ; Bolton, Damien M 
156-Aug-2021Two-year outcomes from the MitrAl Valve rEpaiR Clinical (MAVERIC) Trial: a novel percutaneous treatment of functional mitral regurgitation.Patterson, T ; Gregson, J; Erglis, A; Joseph, J ; Rajani, R; Wilson, K; Prendergast, B; Worthley, S; Hildick-Smith, D; Rafter, T; Whelan, A; De Marco, F; Horrigan, Mark ; Redwood, S R
1625-Feb-2021A pilot double-blind safety and feasibility randomised controlled trial of high-dose intravenous zinc in hospitalised COVID-19 patients.Patel, Oneel; Chinni, Vidyasagar ; El Khoury, John ; Perera, Marlon ; Neto, Ary Serpa; McDonald, Christine F ; See, Emily J ; Jones, Daryl A ; Bolton, Damien M ; Bellomo, Rinaldo ; Trubiano, Jason ; Ischia, Joseph J 
1717-Feb-2021Zinc Preconditioning Provides Cytoprotection following Iodinated Contrast Media Exposure in In Vitro Models.Perera, Marlon ; Ischia, Joseph J ; Bolton, Damien M ; Shulkes, Arthur; Baldwin, Graham S; Patel, Oneel
182-Dec-2020Randomised controlled trial for high-dose intravenous zinc as adjunctive therapy in SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) positive critically ill patients: trial protocol.Perera, Marlon ; El Khoury, John ; Chinni, Vidyasagar ; Bolton, Damien M ; Qu, Liang G ; Johnson, Paul D R ; Trubiano, Jason ; McDonald, Christine F ; Jones, Daryl A ; Bellomo, Rinaldo ; Patel, Oneel; Ischia, Joseph J 
19Dec-2020Open partial nephrectomy: current review.O'Connor, Ellen ; Timm, Brennan ; Lawrentschuk, Nathan; Ischia, Joseph J 
202020The Protective Effect of Zinc Against Liver Ischaemia Reperfusion Injury in a Rat Model of Global Ischaemia.Cheung, Ernest ; Nikfarjam, Mehrdad ; Jackett, Louise A ; Bolton, Damien M ; Ischia, Joseph J ; Patel, Oneel