Anne E Holland

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Anne E Holland
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Holland, Anne E
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Results 121-140 of 191 (Search time: 0.015 seconds).

Publication YearTitleAuthor(s)
121Mar-2019Understanding the patient's experience of care in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.Burnett, Kimberley; Glaspole, Ian; Holland, Anne E 
122Feb-2019Pulmonary Rehabilitation does not Improve Objective Measures of Sleep Quality in People with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.Cox, Narelle S ; Pepin, Véronique; Burge, Angela T ; Hill, Catherine J ; Lee, Annemarie L; Bondarenko, Janet; Moore, Rosemary; Nicolson, Caroline; Lahham, Aroub; Parwanta, Zohra; McDonald, Christine F ; Holland, Anne E 
123Feb-2019Pulmonary rehabilitation for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Has it peaked?Holland, Anne E 
124Feb-2019Recovery Following Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - A Review.Wageck, Bruna; Cox, Narelle S ; Holland, Anne E 
125Jan-2019Precision Medicine, Healthy Living and the Complex Patient: Managing the Patient With Multimorbidity.Holland, Anne E ; Lee, Annemarie L
126Jan-2019Current perspectives of physical activity in cystic fibrosis.Cox, Narelle S ; Holland, Anne E 
127Jan-2019Greater Sleep Fragmentation Is Associated With Less Physical Activity in Adults With Cystic Fibrosis.Cox, Narelle S ; Pepin, Véronique; Holland, Anne E 
1282019Exercise-Based Rehabilitation to Improve Exercise Capacity and Quality of Life in Pulmonary Arterial HypertensionBabu, Abraham S; Holland, Anne E ; Morris, Norman R
1292019The Pulmonary Rehabilitation Adapted Index of Self- Efficacy (PRAISE) tool predicts reduction in sedentary time following pulmonary rehabilitation in people with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)Liacos, Athina; McDonald, Christine F ; Mahald, Ajay; Hill, Catherine J ; Lee, Annemarie L; Burge, Angela T ; Moore, Rosemary; Nicolson, Caroline; O’Halloran, Paul; Cox, Narelle S ; Lahhamb, Aroub; Gilles, Rebecca; Holland, Anne E 
1302019Participation in Physical Activity During Center and Home-Based Pulmonary Rehabilitation for People With COPD: a secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trialLahham, Aroub; McDonald, Christine F ; Mahal, Ajay; Lee, Annemarie L; Hill, Catherine J ; Burge, Angela T ; Cox, Narelle S ; Moore, Rosemary; Nicolson, Caroline; OʼHalloran, Paul; Gillies, Rebecca; Holland, Anne E 
1312019Why do people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease repeat pulmonary rehabilitation? Perspectives of patients and health professionals.Storey, Shannon; Erbas, Bircan; Holland, Anne E 
13229-Nov-2018Multimorbidity rehabilitation versus disease-specific rehabilitation in people with chronic diseases: a pilot randomized controlled trial.Barker, Kathryn; Holland, Anne E ; Lee, Annemarie L; Haines, Terry; Ritchie, Kathryn; Boote, Claire; Saliba, Joanne; Lowe, Stephanie; Pazsa, Fiona; Thomas, Lee; Turczyniak, Monica; Skinner, Elizabeth H
133Nov-2018Should the 6-minute walk test be stopped if oxyhemoglobin saturation falls below 80%?Afzal, Sumbla; Burge, Angela T ; Lee, Annemarie L; Bondarenko, Janet; Holland, Anne E 
134Aug-2018Short- and Long-Term Reliability of the 6-Minute Walk Test in People With Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis.Holland, Anne E ; Hill, Catherine J ; Dowman, Leona ; Glaspole, Ian; Goh, Nicole S L ; Lee, Annemarie L; McDonald, Christine F 
13520-Jul-2018A rehabilitation programme for people with multimorbidity versus usual care: A pilot randomized controlled trial.Barker, Kathryn; Holland, Anne E ; Lee, Annemarie L; Ritchie, Kathryn; Boote, Claire; Lowe, Stephanie; Pazsa, Fiona; Thomas, Lee; Turczyniak, Monica; Skinner, Elizabeth H
136Jun-2018Acceptability and validity of a home exercise diary used in home-based pulmonary rehabilitation: A secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial.Lahham, Aroub; McDonald, Christine F ; Mahal, Ajay; Lee, Annemarie L; Hill, Catherine J ; Burge, Angela T ; Cox, Narelle S ; Moore, Rosemary; Nicolson, Caroline; O'halloran, Paul; Gillies, Rebecca; Holland, Anne E 
13715-May-2018Telerehabilitation versus traditional centre-based pulmonary rehabilitation for people with chronic respiratory disease: protocol for a randomised controlled trial.Cox, Narelle S ; McDonald, Christine F ; Alison, Jennifer A; Mahal, Ajay; Wootton, Richard; Hill, Catherine J ; Bondarenko, Janet; Macdonald, Heather; O'Halloran, Paul; Zanaboni, Paolo; Clarke, Ken; Rennick, Deidre; Borgelt, Kaye; Burge, Angela T ; Lahham, Aroub; Wageck, Bruna; Crute, Hayley; Czupryn, Pawel; Nichols, Amanda; Holland, Anne E 
13824-Apr-2018Implementation of evidence-based weekend service recommendations for allied health managers: a cluster randomised controlled trial protocol.Sarkies, Mitchell N; White, Jennifer; Morris, Meg E; Taylor, Nicholas F; Williams, Cylie; O'Brien, Lisa; Martin, Jenny; Bardoel, Anne; Holland, Anne E ; Carey, Leeanne M ; Skinner, Elizabeth H; Bowles, Kelly-Ann; Grant, Kellie; Philip, Kathleen; Haines, Terry P
1399-Apr-2018Accumulating physical activity in at least 10-minute bouts predicts better lung function after 3-years in adults with cystic fibrosis.Cox, Narelle S ; Alison, Jennifer A; Button, Brenda M; Wilson, John W; Morton, Judith M; Holland, Anne E 
1401-Mar-2018Determinants of Peripheral Muscle Strength and Activity in Daily Life in People With Camargo, Anderson Alves; Boldorini, Jacqueline C; Holland, Anne E ; de Castro, Rejane A Silva; Lanza, Fernanda de Cordoba; Athanazio, Rodrigo A; Rached, Samia Z; Carvalho-Pinto, Regina; Cukier, Alberto; Stelmach, Rafael; Corso, Simone Dal