Stephen G Farrell

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Stephen G Farrell
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Farrell, Stephen G
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Publication YearTitleAuthor(s)
1Feb-2024Insulinoma: Metastatic Recurrence 38 Years Following Initial Diagnosis in Pregnancy.Preston, Christopher A; Sachithanandan, Nirupa; Sim, Ie-Wen; van Heerden, Jon; Farrell, Stephen G 
2Jan-2024Primary hyperparathyroidism in adults-(Part I) assessment and medical management: Position statement of the endocrine society of Australia, the Australian & New Zealand endocrine surgeons, and the Australian & New Zealand bone and mineral society.Milat, Frances; Ramchand, Sabashini K ; Herath, Madhuni; Gundara, Justin; Harper, Simon; Farrell, Stephen G ; Girgis, Christian M; Clifton-Bligh, Roderick; Schneider, Hans G; De Sousa, Sunita M C; Gill, Anthony J; Serpell, Jonathan; Taubman, Kim; Christie, James; Carroll, Richard W; Miller, Julie A; Grossmann, Mathis 
3Jul-2022Secondary thyroid carcinoma in survivors of childhood cancer: A need to revise current screening recommendations.Atlas, Gabby; Farrell, Stephen G ; Zacharin, Margaret
4Mar-2022THYRAID: a cognitive aid for the management of neck haematoma following thyroid surgery.Phillips, Anna; Graham, Jon; Eyeington, Christopher; Mercer, Inga ; Taylor, Carmel ; Farrell, Stephen G 
519-Dec-2021Primary hyperparathyroidism in adults-(Part II) surgical management and postoperative follow-up: Position statement of the Endocrine Society of Australia, The Australian & New Zealand Endocrine Surgeons, and The Australian & New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society.Miller, Julie A; Gundara, Justin; Harper, Simon; Herath, Madhuni; Ramchand, Sabashini K ; Farrell, Stephen G ; Serpell, Jonathan; Taubman, Kim; Christie, James; Girgis, Christian M; Schneider, Hans G; Clifton-Bligh, Roderick; Gill, Anthony J; De Sousa, Sunita M C; Carroll, Richard W; Milat, Frances; Grossmann, Mathis 
6Aug-2021Suppurative thyroiditis: systematic review and clinical guidance.Lafontaine, Nicole; Learoyd, Diana; Farrell, Stephen G ; Wong, Rosemary
72018Thyroid nodules: diagnosis and management.Wong, Rosemary; Farrell, Stephen G ; Grossmann, Mathis