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Title: Evaluating an Inquiry-Based Learning Program.
Austin Authors: Nadkarni, Aniket;Costa-Pinto, Rahul;Hensman, Tamishta;Harman, Emily V;Yanase, Fumitaka ;Lister, Bruce G;Nickson, Christopher P;Thomas, Josephine S
Affiliation: Intensive Care
Austin Health
Professional Affairs - Education, College of Intensive Care Medicine, Prahran, Victoria, Australia.
Intensive Care, Alfred Health, Prahran, Victoria, Australia.
Central Adelaide Local Health Network, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, Australia.
Issue Date: 1-Dec-2023
Date: 2023
Publication information: Advances in Physiology Education 2023-12-01; 47(4)
Abstract: Background Inquiry-based learning (IBL) is a promising educational framework that is understudied in graduate medical education. Objective To determine participant satisfaction, and engagement with phases of an IBL postgraduate education program. Methods A mixed methods study collected data via survey statements and open-ended responses. The authors included participants attending an Intensive Care Medicine (ICM) IBL program from May to November, 2020. Quantitative outcomes included participants' satisfaction with the IBL format and impact of engagement with IBL on the learning experience. Qualitative outcomes explored determinants of engagement with IBL phases and the impact on the learning experience. Results Of 378 attendees, 167 submitted survey responses (44.2%). There was strong agreement relating to overall satisfaction (93.4%). Responses indicated engagement with 'orientation' (94.6%), 'conceptualization' (97.3%), 'discussion' (91.1%) and 'conclusion' (91.0%), but limited engagement with the 'investigation' phase (48.1%). Greater engagement with IBL phases had positive impacts, with repeat attenders having clearer learning objectives (79.1% vs 56.6%, [p<0.05]) and enhanced learning through collaborative discussion (65.9% vs 48.7%, [p<0.05]). Qualitative analysis showed that ICM learners value active learning principles, clear objectives and a safe environment to expand their "knowledge base". Sessions facilitated "clinically relevant learning", with application of theoretical knowledge. Learners transformed and "reframed their understanding" using the input of others' experiences. Conclusions ICM learners were highly satisfied with the IBL format and reported valuable learning. Participants engaged strongly with all IBL phases except the investigation phase during the sessions. IBL facilitated learners' active construction of meaning, facilitating a constructivist approach to learning.
DOI: 10.1152/advan.00050.2023
Journal: Advances in Physiology Education
PubMed URL: 37823188
ISSN: 1522-1229
Type: Journal Article
Subjects: constructivism
inquiry based learning
intensive care medicine
Appears in Collections:Journal articles

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