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Title: Self-evaluation of personal needs by community-living young stroke survivors using an online English language questionnaire.
Austin Authors: Sapuppo, David;Bernhardt, Julie;Carvalho, Lilian B;Churilov, Leonid ;Thijs, Vincent N 
Affiliation: Neurology
The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health
General Medicine
Melbourne Brain Centre at Royal Melbourne Hospital, Melbourne Medical School, University of Melbourne, Australia.
Issue Date: Jun-2023
Date: 2023-05
Publication information: Disability and Rehabilitation 2023-06; 45(11)
Abstract: Identifying personal needs of young stroke survivors is crucial for their recovery. Identify factors, burden, and significance of unmet needs of young community-living stroke survivors. We used online advertising and word-of-mouth snowballing to recruit participants for an English language online questionnaire constructed for this purpose. Eligible participants aged 18-55 at time of stroke. Needs were classified into seven domains: Healthcare Experience, Impairments from Stroke, Everyday Activities, Work/Study, Finances, Relationships, and Social Participation. Random-effects logistic regression was used to determine the probability of unmet needs and X2 test to determine significance of distribution across domains. Out of 137 responses recorded: 32 did not meet inclusion criteria, 29 duplicates identified were discarded, and 76 eligible participants were analysed. Respondents were median 37 (IQR 32-47) years at time of stroke, and median 3 (1-5) years since stroke. Fifty-eight (76%) females. Modified Rankin Scale median score of 1 (1-3). Of 48 identified potential needs, 25 (IQR 19-30) were rated unmet. Twenty (IQR 15-25) considered of high significance. Unmet needs most frequently occurred in the domains: Impairments from Stroke, Finances, and Social Participation. There is high burden of unmet needs in community-living young stroke survivors which are spread disproportionately across the identified domains.IMPLICATIONS FOR REHABILITATIONIdentifying personal needs of young stroke survivors is crucial for their recovery.Impairments after Stroke, Finances, and Social Participation were often selected as being high burden unmet needs for community-living young people after stroke.Employing a post-stroke checklist to guide exploration of needs in young stroke may better capture which needs are unmet.
DOI: 10.1080/09638288.2022.2076935
ORCID: 0000-0002-8307-3461
Journal: Disability and Rehabilitation
Start page: 1830
End page: 1835
PubMed URL: 35617487
ISSN: 1464-5165
Type: Journal Article
Subjects: Stroke
social participation
young stroke
Appears in Collections:Journal articles

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