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Title: Trimethoprim and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (cotrimoxazole).
Other Titles: Kucers the Use of Antibiotics: A Clinical Review of Antibacterial, Antifungal, Antiparasitic, and Antiviral Drugs
Austin Authors: Trubiano, Jason ;Grayson, M Lindsay 
Affiliation: Austin Health
Infectious Diseases
Issue Date: 30-Oct-2017
Publisher: CRC Press
Description: Kucers’ The Use of Antibiotics is the definitive, internationally-authored reference, providing everything that the infectious diseases specialist and prescriber needs to know about antimicrobials in this vast and rapidly developing field. The much-expanded Seventh Edition comprises 4800 pages in 3 volumes in order to cover all new and existing therapies, and emerging drugs not yet fully licensed. Concentrating on the treatment of infectious diseases, the content is divided into four sections - antibiotics, anti-fungal drugs, anti-parasitic drugs, and anti-viral drugs - and is highly structured for ease of reference. Each chapter is organized in a consistent format, covering susceptibility, formulations and dosing (adult and pediatric), pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, toxicity, and drug distribution, with detailed discussion regarding clinical uses - a feature unique to this title. Compiled by an expanded team of internationally renowned and respected editors, with expert contributors representing Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, South America, the US, and Canada, the Seventh Edition adopts a truly global approach. It remains invaluable for anyone using antimicrobial agents in their clinical practice and provides, in a systematic and concise manner, all the information required when prescribing an antimicrobial to treat infection.
ISBN: 9781315152110
Type: Chapter
Subjects: Medicine
Allied Health
Appears in Collections:Books and book chapters

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