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Title: Comparison of Stroke Care Costs in Urban and Nonurban Hospitals and Its Association With Outcomes in New Zealand: A Nationwide Economic Evaluation.
Austin Authors: Kim, Joosup;Cadilhac, Dominique A;Thompson, Stephanie;Gommans, John;Davis, Alan;Barber, P Alan;Fink, John;Harwood, Matire;Levack, William;McNaughton, Harry;Abernethy, Virginia;Girvan, Jacqueline;Feigin, Valery;Denison, Hayley;Corbin, Marine;Wilson, Andrew;Douwes, Jeroen;Ranta, Anna
Affiliation: Stroke and Ageing Research, Department of Medicine, School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health, Department of Medicine, Monash University, Clayton, Australia (J.K., D.A.C.).
Stroke and Ageing Research, Department of Medicine, School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health, Department of Medicine, Monash University, Clayton, Australia (J.K., D.A.C.).
Department of Medicine, University of Otago, Wellington, New Zealand (S.T., W.L., A.R.).
Department of Medicine, Hawkes's Bay Hospital, Hastings, New Zealand (J. Gommans).
Department of Medicine, Whangarei Hospital, New Zealand (A.D.).
Department of Medicine, University of Auckland, New Zealand (P.A.B.).
Department of Neurology, Christchurch Hospital, New Zealand (J.F.).
Department of General Practice and Primary Healthcare, University of Auckland, New Zealand (M.H.).
Department of Medicine, University of Otago, Wellington, New Zealand (S.T., W.L., A.R.).
Medical Research Institute of New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand (H.M.).
Stroke Foundation of New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand (V.A.).
Ashburton, New Zealand (J. Girvan).
National Institute for Stroke and Applied Neurosciences, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand (V.F.).
The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health
Research Centre for Hauora and Health, Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand (H.D., M.C., J.D.).
Department of Medicine, Wairau Hospital, Blenheim, New Zealand (A.W.).
Research Centre for Hauora and Health, Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand (H.D., M.C., J.D.).
Department of Medicine, University of Otago, Wellington, New Zealand (S.T., W.L., A.R.).
Issue Date: Mar-2023
Date: 2023
Publication information: Stroke 2023; 54(3)
Abstract: Although geographical differences in treatment and outcomes after stroke have been described, we lack evidence on differences in the costs of treatment between urban and nonurban regions. Additionally, it is unclear whether greater costs in one setting are justified given the outcomes achieved. We aimed to compare costs and quality-adjusted life years in people with stroke admitted to urban and nonurban hospitals in New Zealand.
DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.122.040869
ORCID: 0000-0001-8162-682X
Journal: Stroke
Start page: 848
End page: 856
PubMed URL: 36848424
ISSN: 1524-4628
Type: Journal Article
Subjects: costs and cost analysis
health inequities
quality-adjusted life year
New Zealand/epidemiology
Appears in Collections:Journal articles

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