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Title: Investigating Tissue-Specific Abnormalities in Alzheimer's Disease with Multi-Shell Diffusion MRI.
Austin Authors: Giraldo, Diana L;Smith, Robert E;Struyfs, Hanne;Niemantsverdriet, Ellis;De Roeck, Ellen;Bjerke, Maria;Engelborghs, Sebastiaan;Romero, Eduardo;Sijbers, Jan;Jeurissen, Ben
Affiliation: Computer Imaging and Medical Applications Laboratory - Cim@Lab, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia.
The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health
Reference Center for Biological Markers of Dementia (BIODEM), Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium.
imec-Vision Lab, Department of Physics, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium.
Issue Date: Dec-2022
Publication information: Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2022
Abstract: Most studies using diffusion-weighted MRI (DW-MRI) in Alzheimer's disease (AD) have focused their analyses on white matter (WM) microstructural changes using the diffusion (kurtosis) tensor model. Although recent works have addressed some limitations of the tensor model, such as the representation of crossing fibers and partial volume effects with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), the focus remains in modeling and analyzing the WM.
DOI: 10.3233/JAD-220551
Journal: Journal of Alzheimer's Disease
Start page: 1771
End page: 1791
PubMed URL: 36336929
ISSN: 1875-8908
Type: Journal Article
Subjects: Alzheimer’s disease
cerebrospinal fluid
cognitive dysfunction
diffusion MRI
gray matter
Alzheimer Disease/diagnostic imaging
White Matter/diagnostic imaging
White Matter/anatomy & histology
Brain/diagnostic imaging
Brain/anatomy & histology
Appears in Collections:Journal articles

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