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Title: Correction to: The Woven EndoBridge (WEB) Device for the Treatment of Intracranial Aneurysms: Ten Years of Lessons Learned and Adjustments in Practice from the WorldWideWEB Consortium.
Austin Authors: Dmytriw, Adam A;Dibas, Mahmoud;Ghozy, Sherief;Adeeb, Nimer;Diestro, Jose Danilo Bengzon;Phan, Kevin;Cuellar-Saenz, Hugo H;Sweid, Ahmad;Lay, Sovann V;Guenego, Adrien;Renieri, Leonardo;Al Balushi, Ali;Saliou, Guillaume;Möhlenbruch, Markus;Regenhardt, Robert W;Vranic, Justin E;Lylyk, Ivan;Foreman, Paul M;Vachhani, Jay A;Župančić, Vedran;Hafeez, Muhammad U;Rutledge, Caleb;Waqas, Muhammad;Tutino, Vincent M;Rabinov, James D;Ren, Yifan;Schirmer, Clemens M;Piano, Mariangela;Kühn, Anna L;Michelozzi, Caterina;Elens, Stéphanie;Starke, Robert M;Hassan, Ameer;Salehani, Arsalaan;Sporns, Peter;Jones, Jesse;Psychogios, Marios;Spears, Julian;Lubicz, Boris;Panni, Pietro;Puri, Ajit S;Pero, Guglielmo;Griessenauer, Christoph J;Asadi, Hamed ;Stapleton, Christopher J;Siddiqui, Adnan;Ducruet, Andrew F;Albuquerque, Felipe C;Du, Rose;Kan, Peter;Kalousek, Vladimir;Lylyk, Pedro;Boddu, Srikanth;Tjoumakaris, Stavropoula;Jared Knopman, null;Aziz-Sultan, Mohammad A;Limbucci, Nicola;Jabbour, Pascal;Cognard, Christophe;Patel, Aman B
Affiliation: Neurointerventional Program, Departments of Medical Imaging & Clinical Neurological Sciences, London Health Sciences Centre, Western University, London, ON, Canada.
Neurointerventional Program, Departments of Medical Imaging & Clinical Neurological Sciences, London Health Sciences Centre, Western University, London, ON, Canada..
Department of Neuroradiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA.
Departement of Neurosurgery and Neurointerventional Surgery, Louisiana State University, Shreveport, LA, USA..
Division of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Neuroradiology, Department of Radiology, St. Michael's Hospital, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada..
Departement of Neurosurgery and Neurointerventional Surgery, Louisiana State University, Shreveport, LA, USA..
Department of Neurosurgery, Thomas Jeferson University, Philadelphia, PA, USA..
Service de Neuroradiologie Diagnostique Et Thérapeutique, Centre Hospitalier de Toulouse, Hôpital Purpan, Toulouse, France..
Department of Neurosurgery, Thomas Jeferson University, Philadelphia, PA, USA..
Interventistica Neurovascolare, Ospedale Careggi Di Firenze, Florence, Italy..
Neurosurgery & Interventional Neuroradiology, New York Presbyterian Hospital, Weill Cornell School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA..
Service de Radiodiagnostic Et Radiologie Interventionnelle, Centre Hospitalier Vaudois de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland..
Sektion Vaskuläre Und Interventionelle Neuroradiologie, Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany..
Neuroendovascular Program, Massachusetts General Hospital & Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, 55 Fruit St, Boston, MA, 02114, USA..
Equipo de Neurocirugía Endovascular Y Radiología Intervencionista, Clínica La Sagrada Familia, Buenos Aires, Argentina..
Neurosurgery Department, Orlando Health Neuroscience and Rehabilitation Institute, Orlando, FL, USA..
Subdivision of Interventional Neuroradiology, Department of Radiology, Clinical Hospital Center 'Sisters of Mercy', Zagreb, Croatia..
Department of Neurosurgery, UTMB and Baylor School of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA..
Department of Neurosurgery, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, AZ, USA..
Department of Neurosurgery, State University of New York at Bufalo, Bufalo, NY, USA..
Neuroendovascular Program, Massachusetts General Hospital & Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, 55 Fruit St, Boston, MA, 02114, USA..
Department of Neurosurgery and Radiology, Geisinger Hospital, Danville, PA, USA..
Interventistica Neurovascolare, Ospedale Niguarda Cà Granda, Milan, Italy..
Department of Neurointerventional Radiology, UMass Memorial Hospital, Worcester, MA, USA..
Interventistica Neurovascolare, Ospedale San Rafaele Milano, Milan, Italy..
Service de Neuroradiologie Interventionnelle, Hôpital Universitaire Erasme, Brussels, Belgium..
Deparment of Neurosurgery, University of Miami, Miami, FL, USA..
Deparment of Neuroscience, Valley Baptist Neuroscience Institute, Harlingen, TX, USA..
Deparments of Neurosurgery and Radiology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, USA..
Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany..
Deparments of Neurosurgery and Radiology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, USA..
Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany..
Division of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Neuroradiology, Department of Radiology, St. Michael's Hospital, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada..
Service de Neuroradiologie Interventionnelle, Hôpital Universitaire Erasme, Brussels, Belgium..
Interventistica Neurovascolare, Ospedale San Rafaele Milano, Milan, Italy..
Department of Neurointerventional Radiology, UMass Memorial Hospital, Worcester, MA, USA..
Interventistica Neurovascolare, Ospedale Niguarda Cà Granda, Milan, Italy..
Department of Neurosurgery and Radiology, Geisinger Hospital, Danville, PA, USA.. Department of Neurosurgery, Christian Doppler University Hospital, Paracelsus Medical University Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria.. Institute of Neurointervention, Paracelsus Medical University, Salzburg, Austria..
Neuroendovascular Program, Massachusetts General Hospital & Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, 55 Fruit St, Boston, MA, 02114, USA..
Department of Neurosurgery, State University of New York at Bufalo, Bufalo, NY, USA..
Department of Neurosurgery, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, AZ, USA..
Neuroendovascular Program, Massachusetts General Hospital & Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, 55 Fruit St, Boston, MA, 02114, USA..
Department of Neurosurgery, UTMB and Baylor School of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA..
Subdivision of Interventional Neuroradiology, Department of Radiology, Clinical Hospital Center 'Sisters of Mercy', Zagreb, Croatia..
Equipo de Neurocirugía Endovascular Y Radiología Intervencionista, Clínica La Sagrada Familia, Buenos Aires, Argentina..
Neurosurgery & Interventional Neuroradiology, New York Presbyterian Hospital, Weill Cornell School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA..
Department of Neurosurgery, Thomas Jeferson University, Philadelphia, PA, USA..
Neurosurgery & Interventional Neuroradiology, New York Presbyterian Hospital, Weill Cornell School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA..
Neuroendovascular Program, Massachusetts General Hospital & Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, 55 Fruit St, Boston, MA, 02114, USA..
Interventistica Neurovascolare, Ospedale Careggi Di Firenze, Florence, Italy..
Department of Neurosurgery, Thomas Jeferson University, Philadelphia, PA, USA..
Service de Neuroradiologie Diagnostique Et Thérapeutique, Centre Hospitalier de Toulouse, Hôpital Purpan, Toulouse, France..
Neuroendovascular Program, Massachusetts General Hospital & Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, 55 Fruit St, Boston, MA, 02114, USA..
Issue Date: 27-Sep-2022
Date: 2022
Publication information: Translational Stroke Research 2022
DOI: 10.1007/s12975-022-01086-5
Journal: Translational Stroke Research
PubMed URL: 36168083
Type: Journal Article
Appears in Collections:Journal articles

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