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Title: Robotic vs. TaTME Rectal Surgery (ROTA STUDY) Matched Cohort Trial for Mid to Low Rectal Cancer Surgery Evaluation Trial in the Hands of an Experienced Surgeon.
Austin Authors: Jootun, Ravish;Cuk, Pedja;Ellebæk, Mark;Andersen, Per Vadgaard;Salomon, Søren;Baatrup, Gunnar;Al-Najami, Issam;Khan, Jim
Affiliation: Surgery
Department of Surgery, Hospital of Southern Jutland, Denmark..
Department of regional health research, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark..
Department of Surgery Odense University Hospital, Svendborg, Denmark..
Department of Colorectal Surgery Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth, UK..
Issue Date: 18-Feb-2022
Date: 2022
Publication information: International journal of surgery protocols 2022; 26(1): 7-13
Abstract: Recent novel surgical techniques for resection of low rectal cancer have been introduced and these approaches have the potential to overcome anatomical limitations like obesity, narrow male pelvis and bulky and low tumours. Two of these procedures are robotic low anterior resection (RLAR) and transanal total mesorectal excision (TaTME).Both approaches have distinct advantages and limitations. There has been no head to head trial comparing RLAR and TaTME for patients with mid to low rectal cancer undergoing surgery by experienced surgeons. Previous studies looking at the oncological outcomes of either TaTME or robotic TME included many centres where the surgeons were on a learning curve and hence the true oncological outcomes and clinical benefits can not be measured accurately. The inclusion criteria include experienced surgeons defined as minimum of 60 prior procedures with RLAR or TaTME. Successful oncological and clinical outcomes are defined as circumferential resection margin (CRM) ≥1 mm with limited postoperative morbidity (absence of Clavien-Dindo grade III-IV complications within 30 days after surgery). Local and distal recurrence rates with DFS over 3 years will be measured as primary outcome.Data will be collected prospectively and entered in a dedicated database. The primary objective of this study is to conduct a multicentre prospective trial to investigate clinical outcomes, in particular disease free survival (DFS) in patients undergoing RLAR and TaTME. The additional goal is to investigate other efficacy measures, complications rates, health economic aspects and patient reported health related quality of life.This paper describes an important trial conducted in expert centres to establish the needed knowledge for a detailed comparison of outcomes for TaTME versus RLAR.This trial is the first comparative study, comparing TaTME and RLAR, seeking to establish foothold for tailor-made surgical treatment of low rectal cancer patients. The trial is registered in September 2019. id: NCT04200027.
DOI: 10.29337/ijsp.163
Journal: International journal of surgery protocols
PubMed URL: 35280494
PubMed URL:
Type: Journal Article
Subjects: Rectal cancer
Robotic surgery
Total mesorectal excision
trans-anal surgery
Appears in Collections:Journal articles

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