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Title: The 6 Ps of post-ICU recovery: application of a shared conceptual model.
Austin Authors: Jones, Jennifer R A ;Griffith, David M
Affiliation: Physiotherapy
Physiotherapy Department, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia
Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Pain, Division of Health Sciences, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
Issue Date: Sep-2020
Publication information: Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care 2020; 23(5): 367-372
Abstract: We aimed to explore, through a conceptual model, how we can maximize the post-ICU recovery of patients with ICU-acquired weakness (ICU-AW). The '6 Ps' were used to structure our research questions, what are the Predisposing (pre-ICU patient characteristics), Precipitating (ICU exposures) and Perpetuating (hinder recovery) risk factors for ICU-AW (Problem) and what Protective strategies and Proactive treatment can we adopt to improve muscle mass, strength and function of these patients? Examination of the relationship between pre-ICU patient characteristics with ICU-AW and post-ICU factors that prolong recovery are limited. Our understanding of the pathophysiology of the condition is improving, however, much of the biological mechanisms of ICU-AW and persistent weakness remain unknown. Investigation into the ICU-AW phenotype and prediction tools would be of great clinical utility. Further research on ICU-AW muscle biology and recovery may permit the application of precision and personalized medicine to therapeutic interventions. A structured approach to clinical practice and future research to better understand the mechanism (Problem), and identify Predisposing, Precipitating and Perpetuating risk factors will advance the field in better managing ICU-AW through implementation of Protective strategies and Proactive multimodal treatments.
DOI: 10.1097/MCO.0000000000000682
Journal: Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care
PubMed URL: 32740161
Type: Journal Article
Appears in Collections:Journal articles

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