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Title: Factors Impacting Early Mobilization Following Hip Fracture: An Observational Study.
Austin Authors: Said, Catherine M ;Delahunt, Marisa;Ciavarella, Vera;Al Maliki, Doha;Boys, Anne-Marie;Vogrin, Sara;Berney, Susan C 
Affiliation: Physiotherapy, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
Australian Institute for Musculoskeletal Science, St Albans, Australia
Physiotherapy, Western Health, St Albans, Australia
Physiotherapy, Northern Health, Epping, Australia
Issue Date: 1-Apr-2021
Date: 2021-01-27
Publication information: Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy 2021; 44(2): 88-93
Abstract: Hip fracture guidelines emphasize mobilization within 48 hours of surgery. The aims of this audit were to determine the proportion of patients with hip fracture who mobilize within 48 hours, identify factors associated with delayed mobilization, and identify barriers to mobilization. Single-site prospective audit of 100 consecutive patients (age 82 ± 9 years) admitted for surgical management of hip fracture. Data collected included time to mobilization, factors that may impact mobilization (age, weight-bearing status, additional injuries, premorbid mobility status, time to surgery, dementia, delirium, and postoperative complications), and barriers to mobilization as identified by the physical therapist. Mobilization within 48 hours of surgery was achieved by 43% of patients. Multivariate logistic regression demonstrated odds of mobilizing early increased with higher New Mobility Scores, representing better premorbid mobility (odds ratio [OR] = 1.30; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.06-1.60); odds reduced if delirium was present on day 1 or 2 (OR = 0.25; 95% CI, 0.08-0.79). New Mobility Scores 5 or more, which indicate independent premorbid mobility inside and outside the house, best predicted early mobilization in patients who did not develop delirium. No cutoff score was identified for those with delirium. Identified barriers to mobilization included patient confusion, manual handling risk, patient declined, and hypotension. Less than half of this cohort achieved the guideline of mobilization within 48 hours of surgery. Patients who develop delirium within the first 2 days of surgery or who had premorbid mobility limitation were less likely to mobilize. Identification of patients likely to have delayed mobilization will assist physical therapists with delivering appropriate management to patients with hip fracture during their acute hospital stay.
DOI: 10.1519/JPT.0000000000000284
Journal: Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy
PubMed URL: 33534334
Type: Journal Article
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