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Title: Resilience effects on frailty and outcomes in rehabilitation geriatrics.
Austin Authors: Kohler, Sabrina;Yates, Paul A ;Rametta, Robert;Poulter, Matthew;Vogrin, Sara
Affiliation: Department of Geriatric Medicine, Austin Health, Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia
University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Issue Date: 6-Jun-2020
Date: 2019-11-28
Publication information: Australasian Journal on Ageing 2020; 39(2): e205-e209
Abstract: To assess relationships between resilience, frailty and outcomes in geriatric rehabilitation inpatients. Eighty-nine inpatients had Brief Resilience Scale (BRS) and frailty index (FI-CGA) completed. Pearson's or Spearman's correlation was used to determine correlation between BRS, FI-CGA and covariates. Multivariate logistic regression was used to determine associations between resilience, frailty and covariates with functional independence measure gain, length of stay (LOS) > 21 days, mortality and discharge care requirements. There was a negative correlation between BRS and premorbid FI-CGA (r = -.31, P = .03) and admission FI-CGA (r = -.26, P = .01) and between BRS and Mini-Mental State Examination score (rho = -0.26, P = .02). BRS was not associated with observed outcomes. Premorbid FI-CGA was associated with inpatient mortality, and greater increase in FI-CGA during acute stay was associated with greater LOS. All patients who died were frail (FI-CGA > 0.25). Resilience and frailty were inversely related. Frailty was an independent predictor of rehabilitation LOS and mortality.
DOI: 10.1111/ajag.12754
ORCID: 0000-0001-9317-0145
Journal: Australasian Journal on Ageing
PubMed URL: 31782236
Type: Journal Article
Subjects: frailty
Appears in Collections:Journal articles

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