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Title: Prostate-specific membrane antigen-positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PSMA-PET/CT)-guided stereotactic ablative body radiotherapy for oligometastatic prostate cancer: a single-institution experience and review of the published literature.
Austin Authors: Ong, Wee Loon ;Koh, Tze Lui;Lim Joon, Daryl ;Chao, Michael ;Farrugia, Briana;Lau, Eddie ;Khoo, Vincent;Lawrentschuk, Nathan;Bolton, Damien M ;Foroudi, Farshad 
Affiliation: Radiology
School of Clinical Medicine, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
Institute of Cancer Research, Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK
Department of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia
EJ Whitten Prostate Cancer Research Centre, Epworth Healthcare, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Molecular Imaging and Therapy
Radiation Oncology
Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Department of Medicine, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Olivia Newton-John Cancer Wellness and Research Centre
Issue Date: 11-Sep-2019
Date: 2019-09-11
Publication information: BJU International 2019; 124(Suppl 1): 19-30
Abstract: To report the outcomes of stereotactic ablative body radiotherapy (SABR) in men with oligometastatic prostate cancer (PCa) diagnosed on prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA)-positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT), based on a single-institution experience and the published literature. This was a retrospective cohort study of the first 20 consecutive men with oligometastatic PCa, treated with SABR in a single institution, who had biochemical recurrence after previous curative treatment (surgery/radiotherapy), had no evidence of local recurrence, were not on palliative androgen deprivation therapy (ADT), and had PSMA-PET/CT-confirmed oligometastatic disease (≤3 lesions). These men were treated with SABR to a dose of 30 Gy in three fractions for bone metastases, and 35-40 Gy in five fractions for nodal metastases. The outcomes of interest were: PSA response; local progression-free survival (LPFS); distant progression-free survival (DPFS); and ADT-free survival (ADTFS). A literature review was performed to identify published studies reporting on outcomes of PSMA-PET/CT-guided SABR. In our institutional cohort, 12 men (60%) had a decline in PSA post-SABR. One man had local progression 9.6 months post-SABR, with 12-month LPFS of 93%. Ten men had distant progression outside of their SABR treatment field, confirmed on PSMA-PET/CT, with 12-month DPFS of 62%, of whom four were treated with palliative ADT, two received prostate bed radiotherapy for prostate bed progression (confirmed on magnetic resonance imaging), and four received a further course of SABR (of whom one had further progression and was treated with palliative ADT). At last follow-up, six men (one with local progression and five with distant progression) had received palliative ADT. The 12-month ADTFS was 70%. Men with longer intervals between local curative treatment and SABR had better DPFS (P = 0.03) and ADTFS (P = 0.005). Four additional studies reporting on PSMA-PET/CT-guided SABR for oligometastatic PCa were identified and included in the review, giving a total of 346 patients. PSA decline was reported in 60-70% of men post-SABR. The 2-year LPFS, DPFS and ADTFS rates were 76-100%, 27-52%, and 58-62%, respectively. Our results showed that PSMA-PET/CT could have an important role in identifying men with true oligometastatic PCa who would benefit the most from metastases-directed therapy with SABR.
DOI: 10.1111/bju.14886
ORCID: 0000-0001-6657-7193
Journal: BJU International
PubMed URL: 31507035
Type: Journal Article
Subjects: PSMA PET
metastatic directed treatment
Prostate cancer
stereotactic radiotherapy
Appears in Collections:Journal articles

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