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Title: Radiation Dose Associated With Over Scanning in Neck CT.
Austin Authors: Badawy, Mohamed Khaldoun;Lane, Hannah;Galea, Michael 
Affiliation: Department of Radiology, Austin Health, Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia
Monash Imaging, Monash Health, Clayton, Victoria, Australia
School of Health and Biomedical Sciences, RMIT University, Bundoora, Victoria, Australia
Issue Date: Jul-2019
Date: 2018-05-24
Publication information: Current problems in diagnostic radiology 2019; 48(4): 359-362
Abstract: The increasing utilization of computed tomography scans exposes patients to significant amounts of radiation. One of the factors that can result in unnecessary radiation dose is scanning beyond the clinically indicated anatomical region. This study aims to assess the optimization in overscan frequency, scan length, and radiation dose following targeted educational talks aimed to address a routinely over scanned protocol; the computed tomography Neck. A targeted radiation awareness talk regarding scan adherence as a method of radiation dose optimization was delivered to all medical imaging technologists employed at a large teaching hospital. An audit of the radiation dose associated with computed tomography Neck protocols was conducted in the month before, a month after and 1 year after the awareness talk. Results show that following the radiation awareness talks there was a 15% reduction in overscan frequency, an average over scan length reduction of 33% and a 20% reduction in overall radiation dose. The targeted nature of the talk, explicitly addressing scan range in the neck region, significantly reduced radiation dose to the patients. The results of this study are effective in illustrating the potential clinical radiation dose saving from strict adherence to scan range.
DOI: 10.1067/j.cpradiol.2018.05.010
Journal: Current problems in diagnostic radiology
PubMed URL: 31130179
Type: Journal Article
Appears in Collections:Journal articles

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