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Title: Factors influencing decision-making processes for unwell residents in residential aged care: Hospital transfer or Residential InReach referral?
Austin Authors: Amadoru, Sanka ;Rayner, Jo-Anne;Joseph, Rajni;Yates, Paul A 
Affiliation: Geriatric Medicine
Australian Centre for Evidence Based Aged Care, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Geriatric Medicine, Northern Health, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Issue Date: Jun-2018
Date: 2018-02-24
Publication information: Australasian journal on ageing 2018; 37(2): E61-E67
Abstract: To investigate decision-making around hospital transfer and/or referral of residents to a Residential InReach (RiR) service in north-eastern metropolitan Melbourne, Australia, from the perspectives of residential aged care facility (RACF) staff, general practitioners (GPs) and RiR registered nurses (RNs). Thirty-one staff from eight RACFs, five GPs and four RiR RNs participated in individual or group interviews. Residential aged care facility staff and GPs valued and relied upon RiR to manage unwell residents. Thematic analysis identified RiR utilisation was driven by the following: (i) complexity of decision-making processes in RACFs; (ii) variability in facility-based medical and nursing care; and (iii) impact of RiR service outcomes on patients and referrers. Availability of timely and appropriate medical and nursing care in RACFs was reported to influence transfers to the hospital and/or referrals to RiR. RiR was used to complement or substitute usual care available to residents. Further research and improvements in RACF and RiR resources are required.
DOI: 10.1111/ajag.12512
ORCID: 0000-0002-0522-6143
Journal: Australasian journal on ageing
PubMed URL: 29476607
PubMed URL:
Type: Journal Article
Subjects: clinical decision-making
health services for the aged
long-term care
residential facilities
Appears in Collections:Journal articles

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