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Title: Delayed fatal cardiac perforation by an indwelling long introducer sheath following transjugular intrahepatic portocaval stents (TIPS).
Austin Authors: Fitt, Gregory J ;Thomson, K;Hennessy, O F
Affiliation: University of Melbourne, Department of Radiology, Austin Hospital, Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia
Issue Date: 4-Mar-1993
Publication information: Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology; 16(2): 109-10
Abstract: Iatrogenic cardiac perforation is a recognized complication of central venous catheterization. We report a fatal complication by a 10F introducer sheath which was left in place and resulted in perforation of the right atrial wall 8 h later. This case is reported to emphasize the increased risk of cardiac perforation from large caliber rigid sheaths which should be withdrawn immediately after completion of the procedure.
Gov't Doc #: 8485740
Journal: Cardiovascular and interventional radiology
Type: Journal Article
Subjects: Catheterization.adverse effects
Heart Injuries.etiology.radiography
Middle Aged
Portal Vein
Vena Cava, Inferior
Wounds, Penetrating.etiology
Appears in Collections:Journal articles

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