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Title: Accuracy of general practitioner medication histories for patients presenting to the emergency department.
Austin Authors: Taylor, Simone E ;Welch, Susan;Harding, Andrew;Abbott, Leonie;Riyat, Baljit;Morrow, Mel;Lawrence, Dona;Rodda, Sheridan;Heward, Sarah
Affiliation: Emergency Medicine and Research, Pharmacy Department, Austin Health, Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia
St. Vincent’s Hospital and Honorary Clinical Associate Lecturer, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Sydney, NSW, Australia
Department of Emergency Medicine, Austin Health, Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia
Emergency Department, Barwon Health, Geelong, Victoria, Australia
Prince Charles Hospital, Chermside, Queensland, Australia
National Critical Care and Trauma Response Centre, Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia
Manly Hospital, Manly, NSW, Australia
Monash Health, Victoria, Australia
Oncology, Sir Charles Gairdiner Hospital, Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Issue Date: 2014
Publication information: Australian Family Physician; 43(10): 728
Abstract: Clinical handover and obtaining best possible medication histories (BPMH) at transition points in care are key patient safety pri-orities. This study aimed to determine the accuracy of medication histories documented on general practitioner (GP) referral letters for patients referred to emergency departments.This was a multicentre prospective observational study in eight emergency departments. Patients taking ≥1 regular medication, referred to the emergency department with a GP letter and seen by a pharmacist were included. GP medication regimens were compared with BPMH documented by the emergency department pharmacist.Of the GP letters (total 414), 361 (87%) had one or more discrepancies in the patients' regular medications and 62% had one or more regular medication discrepancies of moderate-high significance. Omission of medication was more prevalent in hand-written letters (P DISCUSSION: GP referral letters should not be used in isolation to determine the medication regimen taken before an emergency department presentation. Interventions are indicated to improve awareness and accuracy of medication documentation.
Gov't Doc #: 25286433
Journal: Australian Family Physician
Type: Journal Article
Appears in Collections:Journal articles

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