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Title: The history of arterial revascularization: from Kolesov to Tector and beyond.
Austin Authors: Buxton, Brian F ;Galvin, Sean D
Affiliation: ; Epworth Research Institute, Epworth Hospital, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
; University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Department of Cardiac Surgery, The Austin Hospital, Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia
Issue Date: 1-Jul-2013
Publication information: Annals of Cardiothoracic Surgery; 2(4): 419-26
Abstract: Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is the one of the most effective revascularization strategies for patients with obstructive coronary artery disease. Total arterial revascularization using one or both internal thoracic and radial arteries has been shown to improve early outcomes and reduce long-term cardiovascular morbidity. Although CABG has evolved from an experimental procedure in the early 1900's to become one of the most commonly performed surgical procedures, there is still significant variation in grafting strategies amongst surgeons. We review the history and development of CABG with a particular emphasis on the early pioneers and the evolution of arterial grafting.
Gov't Doc #: 23977617
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2225-319X.2013.07.24
Journal: Annals of cardiothoracic surgery
Type: Journal Article
Subjects: Coronary artery disease (CAD)
coronary artery bypass surgery
internal mammary artery
radial artery (RA)
total arterial graft
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