Richard A A Kanaan

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Richard A A Kanaan
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Kanaan, Richard A A
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Results 41-60 of 77 (Search time: 0.013 seconds).

Publication YearTitleAuthor(s)
416-Aug-2020A multi-centre, double-blind, 12-week, randomized, placebo-controlled trial to assess the efficacy of adjunctive N-Acetylcysteine for treatment-resistant PTSD: a study protocol.Maier, Alice ; Dharan, Anita ; Oliver, Gina; Berk, Michael; Redston, Suzy ; Back, Sudie E; Kalivas, Peter; Ng, Chee; Kanaan, Richard A A 
42Jun-2020Outcome measurement in functional neurological disorder: a systematic review and recommendations.Pick, Susannah; Anderson, David G; Asadi-Pooya, Ali A; Aybek, Selma; Baslet, Gaston; Bloem, Bastiaan R; Bradley-Westguard, Abigail; Brown, Richard J; Carson, Alan J; Chalder, Trudie; Damianova, Maria; David, Anthony S; Edwards, Mark J; Epstein, Steven A; Espay, Alberto J; Garcin, Béatrice; Goldstein, Laura H; Hallett, Mark; Jankovic, Joseph; Joyce, Eileen M; Kanaan, Richard A A ; Keynejad, Roxanne C; Kozlowska, Kasia; LaFaver, Kathrin; LaFrance, W Curt; Lang, Anthony E; Lehn, Alex; Lidstone, Sarah; Maurer, Carine W; Mildon, Bridget; Morgante, Francesca; Myers, Lorna; Nicholson, Clare; Nielsen, Glenn; Perez, David L; Popkirov, Stoyan; Reuber, Markus; Rommelfanger, Karen S; Schwingenshuh, Petra; Serranova, Tereza; Shotbolt, Paul; Stebbins, Glenn T; Stone, Jon; Tijssen, Marina Aj; Tinazzi, Michele; Nicholson, Timothy R
43May-2020The outcome of acute functional neurological disorder: a meta-analysis of stroke-mimic presentations.Simhan, Suhas; Thijs, Vincent N ; Mancuso, Sam; Tsivgoulis, Georgios; Katsanos, Aristeidis; Alexandrov, Andrei V; Kanaan, Richard A A 
44Dec-2019Predictors of Disagreement Between Diagnoses From Consult Requesters and Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry.Otani, Victor; Otani, Thaís; Freirias, Andrea; Calfat, Elie; Aoki, Patricia; Cross, Sean; Sumskis, Susan; Kanaan, Richard A A ; Cordeiro, Quirino; Uchida, Ricardo
45Dec-2019Ictal cerebral blood flow in psychogenic non-epileptic seizures: a preliminary SPECT study.Olver, James S ; Castro-de-Araujo, Luis F S; Mullen, Saul A ; O'Brien, Terry; Berlangieri, Salvatore U ; Vivash, Lucy; Velakoulis, Dennis; Lichtenstein, Meir; Kanaan, Richard A A 
46Oct-2019The effect of limited English proficiency and interpreter service use on clinical outcomes in psychiatric inpatient units.Daly, Conor; Phillips, Karen; Kanaan, Richard A A 
47Jun-2019Bilateral volume reduction in posterior hippocampus in psychosis of epilepsy.Allebone, James; Kanaan, Richard A A ; Maller, Jerome; O'Brien, Terry; Mullen, Saul A ; Cook, Mark; Adams, Sophia J; Vogrin, Simon; Vaughan, David N; Connelly, Alan; Kwan, Patrick; Berkovic, Samuel F ; D'Souza, Wendyl J; Jackson, Graeme D ; Velakoulis, Dennis; Wilson, Sarah J
482-May-2019Conversion disorder and the trouble with trauma.Kanaan, Richard A A ; Craig, Thomas K J
4923-Jan-2019Preictal autonomic dynamics in psychogenic nonepileptic seizures.Indranada, Alaric M; Mullen, Saul A ; Wong, Melanie J; D'Souza, Wendyl J; Kanaan, Richard A A 
502019Stress and functional neurological disorders: mechanistic insights.Keynejad, Roxanne C; Frodl, Thomas; Kanaan, Richard A A ; Pariante, Carmine; Reuber, Markus; Nicholson, Timothy R
517-Aug-2018Erratum to "Demonstrating conversion in the clinic" [Psychosomatics 58/1 (2017) 97-98].Ejareh Dar, Maryam ; Kanaan, Richard A A 
52Aug-2018Conversion disorder: who cares?Kanaan, Richard A A 
53Jun-2018Systematic review of structural and functional brain alterations in psychosis of epilepsy.Allebone, James; Kanaan, Richard A A ; Wilson, Sarah J
5419-May-2018The association of panic and hyperventilation with psychogenic non-epileptic seizures: A systematic review and meta-analysis.Indranada, Alaric M; Mullen, Saul A ; Duncan, Roderick; Berlowitz, David J ; Kanaan, Richard A A 
55Apr-2018Stressful life events and maltreatment in conversion (functional neurological) disorder: systematic review and meta-analysis of case-control studies.Ludwig, Lea; Pasman, Joëlle A; Nicholson, Timothy; Aybek, Selma; David, Anthony S; Tuck, Sharon; Kanaan, Richard A A ; Roelofs, Karin; Carson, Alan; Stone, Jon
562018Schizophrenia moderates the relationship between white matter integrity and cognition.Castro-de-Araujo, Luis F S; Allin, Mathew; Picchioni, Marco M; Mcdonald, Colm; Pantelis, Christos; Kanaan, Richard A A 
572018An Ambulatory Polysomnography Study of the Post-traumatic Nightmares of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder.Phelps, Andrea J; Kanaan, Richard A A ; Worsnop, Christopher J ; Redston, Suzy ; Ralph, Naomi; Forbes, David
5822-Nov-2017An ambulatory PSG study of the posttraumatic nightmares of posttraumatic stress disorderPhelps, Andrea J; Kanaan, Richard A A ; Worsnop, Christopher; Redston, Suzy ; Ralph, Naomi; Forbes, David
59Oct-2017White matter deficits in schizophrenia are global and don't progress with age.Kanaan, Richard A A ; Picchioni, Marco M; McDonald, Colm; Shergill, Sukhwinder S; McGuire, Philip K
60Sep-2017Misidentification of mental health symptoms in presence of organic diseases and delirium during psychiatric liaison consulting.Otani, Victor Henrique Oyamada; Otani, Thaís Zélia Dos Santos; Freirias, Andrea; Calfat, Elie Leal de Barros; Aoki, Patricia Satiko; Cordeiro, Quirino; Kanaan, Richard A A ; Cross, Sean; Liersch-Sumskis, Susan; Uchida, Ricardo Riyoiti