Alan W Gemmill

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Alan W Gemmill
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Gemmill, Alan W
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Results 1-20 of 32 (Search time: 0.011 seconds).

Publication YearTitleAuthor(s)
14-Aug-2023Early intervention to prevent adverse child emotional and behavioural development following maternal depression in pregnancy: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.Milgrom, Jeannette ; Hirshler, Yafit; Holt, Charlene ; Skouteris, Helen; Galbally, Megan; East, Christine; Glover, Vivette; Reece, John; O'Donnell, Kieran J; Walker, Susan P; Malloy, Shannon; Gemmill, Alan W 
216-Jul-2022Web-based treatment for depression in pregnancy: a feasibility study of Mum2BMoodBooster.Gemmill, Alan W ; Oliva, Jessica Lee; Ericksen, Jennifer ; Holt, Charlene ; Holt, Christopher J; Milgrom, Jeannette 
320-Apr-2022Lessons Learned Recruiting and Retaining Pregnant and Postpartum Individuals in Digital Trials.Parks, Amanda M; Duffecy, Jennifer; McCabe, Jennifer E; Blankstein Breman, Rachel; Milgrom, Jeannette ; Hirshler, Yafit; Gemmill, Alan W ; Felder, Jennifer; Uscher-Pines, Lori
420-Jan-2022Interventions for Perinatal Depression and Anxiety in Fathers: A Mini-Review.Rodrigues, Andre L; Ericksen, Jennifer ; Watson, Brittany; Gemmill, Alan W ; Milgrom, Jeannette 
5Dec-2021Improving the mother-infant relationship following postnatal depression: a randomised controlled trial of a brief intervention (HUGS).Holt, Charlene ; Gentilleau, Carole; Gemmill, Alan W ; Milgrom, Jeannette 
6Jun-2021Dismantling, optimising, and personalising internet cognitive behavioural therapy for depression: a systematic review and component network meta-analysis using individual participant data.Furukawa, Toshi A; Suganuma, Aya; Ostinelli, Edoardo G; Andersson, Gerhard; Beevers, Christopher G; Shumake, Jason; Berger, Thomas; Boele, Florien Willemijn; Buntrock, Claudia; Carlbring, Per; Choi, Isabella; Christensen, Helen; Mackinnon, Andrew; Dahne, Jennifer; Huibers, Marcus J H; Ebert, David D; Farrer, Louise; Forand, Nicholas R; Strunk, Daniel R; Ezawa, Iony D; Forsell, Erik; Kaldo, Viktor; Geraedts, Anna; Gilbody, Simon; Littlewood, Elizabeth; Brabyn, Sally; Hadjistavropoulos, Heather D; Schneider, Luke H; Johansson, Robert; Kenter, Robin; Kivi, Marie; Björkelund, Cecilia; Kleiboer, Annet; Riper, Heleen; Klein, Jan Philipp; Schröder, Johanna; Meyer, Björn; Moritz, Steffen; Bücker, Lara; Lintvedt, Ove; Johansson, Peter; Lundgren, Johan; Milgrom, Jeannette ; Gemmill, Alan W ; Mohr, David C; Montero-Marin, Jesus; Garcia-Campayo, Javier; Nobis, Stephanie; Zarski, Anna-Carlotta; O'Moore, Kathleen; Williams, Alishia D; Newby, Jill M; Perini, Sarah; Phillips, Rachel; Schneider, Justine; Pots, Wendy; Pugh, Nicole E; Richards, Derek; Rosso, Isabelle M; Rauch, Scott L; Sheeber, Lisa B; Smith, Jessica; Spek, Viola; Pop, Victor J; Ünlü, Burçin; van Bastelaar, Kim M P; van Luenen, Sanne; Garnefski, Nadia; Kraaij, Vivian; Vernmark, Kristofer; Warmerdam, Lisanne; van Straten, Annemieke; Zagorscak, Pavle; Knaevelsrud, Christine; Heinrich, Manuel; Miguel, Clara; Cipriani, Andrea; Efthimiou, Orestis; Karyotaki, Eirini; Cuijpers, Pim
7Jan-2021An Australian perspective on treating perinatal depression and anxiety: a brief review of efficacy and evidence-based practice in screening, psychosocial assessment and management.Hirshler, Yafit; Gemmill, Alan W ; Milgrom, Jeannette 
82021Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression: A Systematic Review and Individual Patient Data Network Meta-analysis.Karyotaki, Eirini; Efthimiou, Orestis; Miguel, Clara; Bermpohl, Frederic Maas Genannt; Furukawa, Toshi A; Cuijpers, Pim; Riper, Heleen; Patel, Vikram; Mira, Adriana; Gemmill, Alan W ; Yeung, Albert S; Lange, Alfred; Williams, Alishia D; Mackinnon, Andrew; Geraedts, Anna; van Straten, Annemieke; Meyer, Björn; Björkelund, Cecilia; Knaevelsrud, Christine; Beevers, Christopher G; Botella, Cristina; Strunk, Daniel R; Mohr, David C; Ebert, David D; Kessler, David; Richards, Derek; Littlewood, Elizabeth; Forsell, Erik; Feng, Fan; Wang, Fang; Andersson, Gerhard; Hadjistavropoulos, Heather; Christensen, Heleen; Ezawa, Iony D; Choi, Isabella; Rosso, Isabelle M; Klein, Jan Philipp; Shumake, Jason; Garcia-Campayo, Javier; Milgrom, Jeannette ; Smith, Jessica; Montero-Marin, Jesus; Newby, Jill M; Bretón-López, Juana; Schneider, Justine; Vernmark, Kristofer; Bücker, Lara; Sheeber, Lisa B; Warmerdam, Lisanne; Farrer, Louise; Heinrich, Manuel; Huibers, Marcus J H; Kivi, Marie; Kraepelien, Martin; Forand, Nicholas R; Pugh, Nicky; Lindefors, Nils; Lintvedt, Ove; Zagorscak, Pavle; Carlbring, Per; Phillips, Rachel; Johansson, Robert; Kessler, Ronald C; Brabyn, Sally; Perini, Sarah; Rauch, Scott L; Gilbody, Simon; Moritz, Steffen; Berger, Thomas; Pop, Victor; Kaldo, Viktor; Spek, Viola; Forsell, Yvonne
92021Internet and Face-to-face Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Postnatal Depression Compared With Treatment as Usual: Randomized Controlled Trial of MumMoodBooster.Milgrom, Jeannette ; Danaher, Brian G; Seeley, John R; Holt, Christopher J; Holt, Charlene ; Ericksen, Jennifer ; Tyler, Milagra S; Gau, Jeff M; Gemmill, Alan W 
1013-Feb-2020Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Antenatal Depression in a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial and Effects on Neurobiological, Behavioral and Cognitive Outcomes in Offspring 3-7 Years Postpartum: A Perspective Article on Study Findings, Limitations and Future Aims.Bleker, Laura S; Milgrom, Jeannette ; Sexton-Oates, Alexandra; Parker, Donna; Roseboom, Tessa J; Gemmill, Alan W ; Holt, Christopher J; Saffery, Richard; Connelly, Alan; Burger, Huibert; de Rooij, Susanne R
11Jul-2019Behavioural and cognitive outcomes following an early stress-reduction intervention for very preterm and extremely preterm infants.Milgrom, Jeannette ; Martin, Paul R; Newnham, Carol; Holt, Christopher J; Anderson, Peter J; Hunt, Rod W; Reece, John; Ferretti, Carmel; Achenbach, Thomas; Gemmill, Alan W 
1231-May-2019Perinatal anxiety and depression: Awareness and attitudes in Australia.Smith, Terri; Gemmill, Alan W ; Milgrom, Jeannette 
1322-May-2019Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings in Children after Antenatal Maternal Depression Treatment, a Longitudinal Study Built on a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial.Bleker, Laura S; Milgrom, Jeannette ; Parker, Donna; Gemmill, Alan W ; Holt, Christopher J; Connelly, Alan; Burger, Huibert; Roseboom, Tessa J; de Rooij, Susanne R
1421-Apr-2019Social Support-A Protective Factor for Depressed Perinatal Women?Milgrom, Jeannette ; Hirshler, Yafit; Reece, John; Holt, Charlene ; Gemmill, Alan W 
159-Apr-2019A 7-year follow-up of antenatal depression treatment with cognitive behavioral therapy: A case report of maternal and child outcomes.Bleker, Laura S; Milgrom, Jeannette ; Gemmill, Alan W ; Roseboom, Tessa J; de Rooij, Susanne R
164-Feb-2019Exploring the effect of antenatal depression treatment on children's epigenetic profiles: findings from a pilot randomized controlled trial.Bleker, Laura S; Milgrom, Jeannette ; Sexton-Oates, Alexandra; Roseboom, Tessa J; Gemmill, Alan W ; Holt, Christopher J; Saffery, Richard; Burger, Huibert; de Rooij, Susanne R
17Jul-2018A therapeutic playgroup for depressed mothers and their infants: feasability study and pilot randomised trial of Community HUGSEricksen, Jennifer ; Loughlin, Elizabeth ; Holt, Charlene ; Rose, Natalie; Hartley, Eliza ; Buultjens, Melissa; Gemmill, Alan W ; Milgrom, Jeannette 
18Dec-2017Improving help-seeking for postnatal depression and anxiety: a cluster randomised controlled trial of motivational interviewing.Holt, Charlene ; Milgrom, Jeannette ; Gemmill, Alan W 
1924-Feb-2015Feasibility study and pilot randomised trial of an antenatal depression treatment with infant follow-up.Milgrom, Jeannette ; Holt, Charlene ; Holt, Christopher J; Ross, Jessica; Ericksen, Jennifer ; Gemmill, Alan W 
2013-Jan-2015Treatment of postnatal depression with cognitive behavioural therapy, sertraline and combination therapy: a randomised controlled trial.Milgrom, Jeannette ; Gemmill, Alan W ; Ericksen, Jennifer ; Burrows, Graham D; Buist, Anne ; Reece, John