Samuel F Berkovic

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Samuel F Berkovic
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Berkovic, Samuel F
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Results 221-240 of 328 (Search time: 0.015 seconds).

Publication YearTitleAuthor(s)
2219-Jul-2008Benign occipital epilepsies of childhood: clinical features and genetics.Taylor, Isabella; Berkovic, Samuel F ; Kivity, Sara; Scheffer, Ingrid E 
22224-Apr-2008Gene expression analysis in absence epilepsy using a monozygotic twin design.Helbig, Ingo; Matigian, Nicholas A; Vadlamudi, Lata; Lawrence, Kate M; Bayly, Marta A; Bain, Sharon M; Diyagama, Dileepa; Scheffer, Ingrid E ; Mulley, John C; Holloway, Andrew J; Dibbens, Leanne M; Berkovic, Samuel F ; Hayward, Nicholas K
2231-Mar-2008Navigating the channels and beyond: unravelling the genetics of the epilepsies.Helbig, Ingo; Scheffer, Ingrid E ; Mulley, John C; Berkovic, Samuel F 
22428-Feb-2008Array-based gene discovery with three unrelated subjects shows SCARB2/LIMP-2 deficiency causes myoclonus epilepsy and glomerulosclerosis.Berkovic, Samuel F ; Dibbens, Leanne M; Oshlack, Alicia; Silver, Jeremy D; Katerelos, Marina ; Vears, Danya F; Lüllmann-Rauch, Renate; Blanz, Judith; Zhang, Ke Wei; Stankovich, Jim; Kalnins, Renate M; Dowling, John P; Andermann, Eva; Andermann, Frederick; Faldini, Enrico; D'Hooge, Rudi; Vadlamudi, Lata; Macdonell, Richard A L ; Hodgson, Bree L; Bayly, Marta A; Savige, Judy A; Mulley, John C; Smyth, Gordon K; Power, David Anthony; Saftig, Paul; Bahlo, Melanie
22529-Jan-2008Epilepsy and mental retardation limited to females: an under-recognized disorder.Scheffer, Ingrid E ; Turner, Samantha J; Dibbens, Leanne M; Bayly, Marta A; Friend, Kathryn; Hodgson, Bree; Burrows, Linda; Shaw, Marie; Wei, Chen; Ullmann, Reinhard; Ropers, Hans-Hilger; Szepetowski, Pierre; Haan, Eric; Mazarib, Aziz; Afawi, Zaid; Neufeld, Miriam Y; Andrews, P Ian; Wallace, Geoffrey; Kivity, Sara; Lev, Dorit; Lerman-Sagie, Tally; Derry, Christopher P; Korczyn, Amos D; Gecz, Jozef; Mulley, John C; Berkovic, Samuel F 
22627-Nov-2007Association of a nicotinic receptor mutation with reduced height and blunted physostigmine-stimulated growth hormone release.Fedi, Marco; Bach, Leon A; Berkovic, Samuel F ; Willoughby, John O; Scheffer, Ingrid E ; Reutens, David C
22711-Jul-2007Placebo-controlled study of levetiracetam in idiopathic generalized epilepsy.Berkovic, Samuel F ; Knowlton, R C; Leroy, R F; Schiemann, J; Falter, U
22823-May-2007Is photosensitive epilepsy less common in males due to variation in X chromosome photopigment genes?Taylor, Isabella; Hodgson, Bree; Scheffer, Ingrid E ; Mulley, John C; Berkovic, Samuel F ; Dibbens, Leanne M
2291-Apr-2007Changes in cortical excitability differentiate generalized and focal epilepsy.Badawy, Radwa A B; Curatolo, Josie M; Newton, Mark R; Berkovic, Samuel F ; Macdonell, Richard A L 
2301-Apr-2007Vaccination, seizures and 'vaccine damage'.Brown, Natasha J; Berkovic, Samuel F ; Scheffer, Ingrid E 
2311-Feb-2007Hippocampal sclerosis: MR prediction of seizure intractability.Briellmann, Regula S; Mark Wellard, R; Masterton, Richard A J; Abbott, David F ; Berkovic, Samuel F ; Jackson, Graeme D 
23210-Oct-2006Action myoclonus-renal failure syndrome: a cause for worsening tremor in young adults.Vadlamudi, L; Vears, Danya F; Hughes, Andrew J ; Pedagogus, E; Berkovic, Samuel F 
23326-Sep-2006Sleep deprivation increases cortical excitability in epilepsy: syndrome-specific effects.Badawy, Radwa A B; Curatolo, J M; Newton, Mark R; Berkovic, Samuel F ; Macdonell, Richard A L 
23427-Jul-2006A GABAA receptor mutation causing generalized epilepsy reduces benzodiazepine receptor binding.Fedi, Marco; Berkovic, Samuel F ; Marini, Carla; Mulligan, Rachel S ; Tochon-Danguy, Henri; Reutens, David C
23510-Jul-2006Febrile seizures: traffic slows in the heat.Berkovic, Samuel F ; Petrou, Steven
2361-Jul-2006Human epilepsies: interaction of genetic and acquired factors.Berkovic, Samuel F ; Mulley, John C; Scheffer, Ingrid E ; Petrou, Steven
2371-Jun-2006De-novo mutations of the sodium channel gene SCN1A in alleged vaccine encephalopathy: a retrospective study.Berkovic, Samuel F ; Harkin, Louise A; McMahon, Jacinta M; Pelekanos, James T; Zuberi, Sameer M; Wirrell, Elaine C; Gill, Deepak S; Iona, Xenia; Mulley, John C; Scheffer, Ingrid E 
2381-Mar-2006Analyzing the etiology of benign rolandic epilepsy: a multicenter twin collaboration.Vadlamudi, Lata; Kjeldsen, Marianne J; Corey, Linda A; Solaas, Marit H; Friis, Mogen L; Pellock, John M; Nakken, Karl O; Milne, Roger L; Scheffer, Ingrid E ; Harvey, A Simon; Hopper, John L; Berkovic, Samuel F 
2391-Dec-2005Treatment with anti-epileptic drugs.Berkovic, Samuel F 
2404-Nov-2005Increased serotonin receptor availability in human sleep: evidence from an [18F]MPPF PET study in narcolepsy.Derry, Christopher P; Benjamin, Christopher; Bladin, Peter F ; le Bars, Didier; Tochon-Danguy, Henri; Berkovic, Samuel F ; Zimmer, Luc; Costes, Nicolas; Mulligan, Rachel S ; Reutens, David C