Respiratory and Sleep Medicine

Organization name
Respiratory and Sleep Medicine
Parent OrgUnit
Heidelberg, Victoria

Results 281-300 of 328 (Search time: 0.008 seconds).

Publication YearTitleAuthor(s)
281Dec-2017Oxygen therapy for interstitial lung disease: physicians' perceptions and experiencesKhor, Yet H ; Goh, Nicole SL; McDonald, Christine F ; Holland, Anne E 
282Nov-2017Portable oxygen concentrators versus oxygen cylinder during walking in interstitial lung disease: A randomized crossover trialKhor, Yet H ; McDonald, Christine F ; Hazard, Anita; Symons, Karen; Westall, Glen; Glaspole, Ian; Goh, Nicole SL; Holland, Anne E 
283Nov-2017Occupational exposure to pesticides are associated with fixed airflow obstruction in middle-ageAlif, Sheikh M; Dharmage, Shyamali C; Benke, Geza; Dennekamp, Martine; Burgess, John A; Perret, Jennifer L ; Lodge, Caroline J; Morrison, Stephen; Johns, David Peter; Giles, Graham G; Gurrin, Lyle C; Thomas, Paul S; Hopper, John Llewelyn; Wood-Baker, Richard; Thompson, Bruce R; Feather, Iain H; Vermeulen, Roel; Kromhout, Hans; Walters, Haydn; Abramson, Michael J; Matheson, Melanie Claire
28426-Oct-2017Eosinophil biology in COPDMcDonald, Christine F 
285Oct-2017Treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in Australia and New Zealand: A position statement from the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand and the Lung Foundation Australia.Jo, Helen E; Troy, Lauren K; Keir, Gregory; Chambers, Daniel C; Holland, Anne; Goh, Nicole S L ; Wilsher, Margaret; de Boer, Sally; Moodley, Yuben; Grainge, Christopher; Whitford, Helen; Chapman, Sally; Reynolds, Paul N; Glaspole, Ian; Beatson, David; Jones, Leonie; Hopkins, Peter; Corte, Tamera J
28629-Sep-2017Benefits of home-based multidisciplinary exercise and supportive care in inoperable non-small cell lung cancer - protocol for a phase II randomised controlled trial.Edbrooke, Lara; Aranda, Sanchia; Granger, Catherine L ; McDonald, Christine F ; Krishnasamy, Mei; Mileshkin, Linda; Irving, Louis; Braat, Sabine; Clark, Ross A; Gordon, Ian; Denehy, Linda
287Sep-2017Commencement of cardioselective beta-blockers during hospitalisation for acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseNeef, Pieter A ; Burrell, Louise M ; McDonald, Christine F ; Irving, Louis B; Johnson, Douglas F; Steinfort, Daniel P
28830-Aug-2017Shuttle walk tests in people with COPD who demonstrate exercise-induced oxygen desaturation: an analysis of test repeatability and cardiorespiratory responsesMcKeough, Zoe; Leung, Regina; Neo, Ji Hui; Jenkins, Sue; Holland, Anne E ; Hill, Kylie; Morris, Norman; Spencer, Lissa M; Hill, Catherine J ; Lee, Annemarie L; Seale, Helen; Cecins, Nola; McDonald, Christine F ; Alison, Jennifer
28917-Jul-2017A pragmatic, phase III, multisite, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-arm, dose increment randomised trial of regular, low-dose extended-release morphine for chronic breathlessness: Breathlessness, Exertion And Morphine Sulfate (BEAMS) study protocol.Currow, David; Watts, Gareth John; Johnson, Miriam; McDonald, Christine F ; Miners, John O; Somogyi, Andrew A; Denehy, Linda; McCaffrey, Nicola; Eckert, Danny J; McCloud, Philip; Louw, Sandra; Lam, Lawrence; Greene, Aine; Fazekas, Belinda; Clark, Katherine C; Fong, Kwun; Agar, Meera R; Joshi, Rohit; Kilbreath, Sharon; Ferreira, Diana; Ekström, Magnus
2901-Jul-2017Impact of an Integrated Antibiotic Allergy Testing Program on Antimicrobial Stewardship: A Multicenter Evaluation.Trubiano, Jason ; Thursky, Karin A; Stewardson, Andrew J; Urbancic, Karen; Worth, Leon J; Jackson, Cheryl; Stevenson, Wendy; Sutherland, Michael F; Slavin, Monica A; Grayson, M Lindsay ; Phillips, Elizabeth J
291Jul-2017Greater endurance capacity and improved dyspnoea with acute oxygen supplementation in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis patients without resting hypoxaemiaDowman, Leona M ; McDonald, Christine F ; Bozinovski, Steven; Vlahos, Ross; Gillies, Rebecca; Pouniotis, Dodie S; Hill, Catherine J ; Goh, Nicole S L ; Holland, Anne E 
292Jul-2017The evidence of benefits of exercise training in interstitial lung disease: a randomised controlled trialDowman, Leona M ; McDonald, Christine F ; Hill, Catherine J ; Lee, Annemarie L; Barker, Kathryn; Boote, Claire; Glaspole, Ian; Goh, Nicole S L ; Southcott, Anne M; Burge, Angela T ; Gillies, Rebecca; Martin, Alicia; Holland, Anne E 
2931-Jun-2017Elevated serum interleukin-5 levels in severe chronic obstructive pulmonary diseasePerret, Jennifer L ; McDonald, Christine F ; Apostolopoulos, Vasso
294Jun-2017Framing of mobility items: a source of poor agreement between preference-based health-related quality of life instruments in a population of individuals receiving assisted ventilationHannan, Liam M ; Whitehurst, David GT; Bryan, Stirling; Road, Jeremy D; McDonald, Christine F ; Berlowitz, David J ; Howard, Mark E 
295Jun-2017Oxygen therapy for interstitial lung disease. A mismatch between patient expectations and experiencesKhor, Yet H ; Goh, Nicole SL; McDonald, Christine F ; Holland, Anne E 
296May-2017The Melbourne thunderstorm asthma event: can we avert another strike?Hew, Mark; Sutherland, Michael F; Thien, Francis; O'Hehir, Robyn
297May-2017Australian and New Zealand pulmonary rehabilitation guidelinesAlison, Jennifer A; McKeough, Zoe J; Johnston, Kylie; McNamara, Renae J; Spencer, Lissa M; Jenkins, Sue C; Hill, Catherine J ; McDonald, Vanessa M; Frith, Peter; Cafarella, Paul; Brooke, Michelle; Cameron-Tucke, Helen L; Candy, Sarah; Cecins, Nola; Chan, Andrew SL; Dale, Marita; Dowman, Leona M ; Granger, Catherine; Halloran, Simon; Jung, Peter; Lee, Annemarie; Leung, Regina; Matulick, Tamara; Osadnik, Christian; Roberts, Mary; Walsh, James; Wootton, Sally; Holland, Anne E ; On behalf of Lung Foundation Australia and the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand
2981-Apr-2017Cohort Profile: The Tasmanian Longitudinal Health STUDY (TAHS).Matheson, Melanie C; Abramson, Michael J; Allen, Katrina; Benke, Geza; Burgess, John A; Dowty, James G; Erbas, Bircan; Feather, Iain H; Frith, Peter A; Giles, Graham G; Gurrin, Lyle C; Hamilton, Garun S; Hopper, John L; James, Alan L; Jenkins, Mark A; Johns, David P; Lodge, Caroline J; Lowe, Adrian J; Markos, James; Morrison, Stephen C; Perret, Jennifer L ; Southey, Melissa C; Thomas, Paul S; Thompson, Bruce R; Wood-Baker, Richard; Haydn Walters, Eugene; Dharmage, Shyamali C
299Apr-2017Pulmonary rehabilitation in individuals with non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis: a systematic reviewLee, Annemarie L; Hill, Catherine J ; McDonald, Christine F ; Holland, Anne E 
300Feb-2017Baseline characteristics of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: analysis from the Australian Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Registry.Jo, Helen E; Glaspole, Ian; Grainge, Christopher; Goh, Nicole S L ; Hopkins, Peter M A; Moodley, Yuben; Reynolds, Paul N; Chapman, Sally; Walters, E Haydn; Zappala, Christopher; Allan, Heather; Keir, Gregory J; Hayen, Andrew; Cooper, Wendy A; Mahar, Annabelle M; Ellis, Samantha; Macansh, Sacha; Corte, Tamera J