| | Publication Year | Title | Author(s) |
| 21 | 15-Apr-2023 | Medicines-related interventions to support safe transitions for care home residents post hospital discharge: Do hospital-delivered interventions have a role? | Elliott, Rohan A ; Taylor, Simone E |
| 22 | 31-Jan-2023 | The financial and environmental impact of purchased anaesthetic agents in an Australian tertiary hospital. | Davies, Jessica F; Trajceska, Ljubiana; Weinberg, Laurence |
| 23 | Jan-2023 | Penicillin Allergy Delabeling Program: an exploratory economic evaluation in the Australian context. | Brusco, Natasha K; Bury, Susan; Chua, Kyra Y L ; Vogrin, Sara; Holmes, Natasha E ; Trubiano, Jason |
| 4 | Jan-2023 | Acute kidney injury in patients receiving high-dose etoposide phosphate as conditioning prior to hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in hematologic malignancies may be associated with elevated body mass index. | Stewart, Tamasine; Dowling, Mark; Janson, Brett; Siderov, Jim ; Xie, Jing; Grigg, Andrew P ; Khot, Amit |
| 5 | 2023 | Improving the safety of anticoagulation initiation in patients discharged from the emergency department. | Harding, Andrew M ; Mitri, Elise A ; Yeoh, Michael J |
| 6 | 23-Dec-2022 | Retrospective study of outcomes of short versus long duration of antibiotic therapy for residual osteomyelitis in surgically resected diabetic foot infection. | Motaganahalli, S; Batrouney, A; Perera, Dhineli ; Vogrin, S; Trubiano, Jason |
| 7 | Nov-2022 | Therapeutic drug monitoring in oncology - What's out there: A bibliometric evaluation on the topic. | Stojanova, Jana; Carland, Jane E; Murnion, Bridin; Seah, Vincent; Siderov, Jim ; Lemaitre, Florian |
| 8 | 12-Jul-2022 | Evaluation of a post-discharge pharmacist opioid review following total knee arthroplasty: a pre- and post-intervention cohort study. | Tran, Tim ; Ford, James; Hardidge, Andrew J ; Antoine, Shari; Veevers, Beth; Taylor, Simone E ; Elliott, Rohan A |
| 9 | 6-Jul-2022 | Development of Screening Tools to Predict Medication-Related Problems Across the Continuum of Emergency Department Care: A Prospective, Multicenter Study. | Taylor, Simone E ; Mitri, Elise A ; Harding, Andrew M ; Taylor, David McD ; Weeks, Adrian; Abbott, Leonie; Lambros, Pani; Lawrence, Dona; Strumpman, Dana; Senturk-Raif, Reyhan; Louey, Stephen; Crisp, Hamish; Tomlinson, Emily; Manias, Elizabeth |
| 10 | 3-Jul-2022 | Response to Re: Hyperkalaemia in the emergency department: Epidemiology, management and monitoring of treatment outcomes. | Pollack, Kimberley; Manning, Kiri R; Balassone, Jacqueline; Bui, Calista; Taylor, David McD ; Taylor, Simone E |
| 11 | 20-Jun-2022 | Accuracy of medication histories derived from an Australian cloud-based repository of prescribed and dispensed medication records. | Elliott, Rohan A ; Taylor, Simone E ; Koo, Stella Mk; Nguyen, Anny D; Liu, Esther; Loh, Grace |
| 12 | Jun-2022 | Qualitative exploration of Australian Muslim patients’ perceptions and experiences surrounding medication management during Ramadan. | To, The-Phung ; Taylor, Simone E ; Abdullah, Ayat; Abdullah, Nur; Huang, Kerry; Khan, Naemah; Shirzad, Sakinah; Elmi, Huda; Zayegh, Iman |
| 13 | Jun-2022 | Exposure to hand sanitisers and other cleaning products in Victoria, Australia during the COVID-19 pandemic. | Norvill, Alice; Elliott, Rohan A ; Wong, Anselm Y |
| 14 | 10-May-2022 | Paracetamol dosing in hospital and on discharge for older people who are frail or have low body weight. | Reid, Olivia; Ngo, Janet; Lalic, Samanta; Su, Elizabeth; Elliott, Rohan A |
| 15 | May-2022 | Impact of a policy to improve the management of oral medications when patients are fasting before a procedure: an interrupted time series analysis. | To, The-Phung ; Braat, Sabine; Lim, Andrew Boon Ming ; Brien, Jo-Anne; Heland, Melodie J ; Hardidge, Andrew J ; Story, David A |
| 16 | May-2022 | Long-term outcomes of an electronic medical record (EMR)-integrated antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) intensive care unit (ICU) ward round. | Devchand, Misha ; Nolen, Andrew; Stewardson, Andrew J; Warrillow, Stephen J ; Garrett, Kent ; Trubiano, Jason |
| 17 | 11-Apr-2022 | Hyperkalaemia in the emergency department: Epidemiology, management and monitoring of treatment outcomes. | Pollack, Kimberley; Manning, Kiri R; Balassone, Jacqueline; Bui, Calista; Taylor, David McD ; Taylor, Simone E |
| 18 | 29-Mar-2022 | Coaching ward pharmacists in antimicrobial stewardship: A pilot study. | Khumra, Sharmila ; Mahony, Andrew A ; Stewart, Kay; Bergen, Phillip J; Elliott, Rohan A |
| 19 | 2022 | Hospital‐initiated post‐discharge medication reviews in Australia: expert opinion on the barriers and enablers to implementation | Angley, Manya; Criddle, Deirdre; Rigby, Deborah; Elliott, Rohan A ; Phillips, Katie; Penm, Jonathan; Sluggett, Janet K.; Gailer, Joy; Thiele, Horst; Page, Amy T.; Pauw, Carly; Gillespie, Sarah; Shakib, Sepehr; Yik, Jerry |
| 20 | 23-Dec-2021 | Pharmacist-Facilitated Interactive E-Learning for Patients Newly Initiated on Warfarin: A Randomised Controlled Study. | Young, Joanne; Nalder, Michelle J; Gorelik, Alexandra; Elliott, Rohan A |