OrgUnit's Researchers

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Elliott, Rohan

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 121-140 of 175 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Publication YearTitleAuthor(s)
12129-Dec-2020Perceptions of hospital pharmacists and pharmacy technicians towards expanding roles for hospital pharmacy technicians: a cross‐sectional surveyAnderson, Brett J; Carroll, Margaret E; Taylor, Simone E ; Chow, Alice
1222-Oct-2013Pharmacist consultations in general practice clinics: the Pharmacists in Practice Study (PIPS).Tan, Edwin C K; Stewart, Kay; Elliott, Rohan A ; George, Johnson
12323-Oct-2013Pharmacist services provided in general practice clinics: a systematic review and meta-analysis.Tan, Edwin C K; Stewart, Kay; Elliott, Rohan A ; George, Johnson
12412-Jul-2019Pharmacist-assisted electronic prescribing at the time of admission to an inpatient orthopaedic unit and its impact on medication errors: a pre- and postintervention study.Tran, Tim ; Taylor, Simone E ; Hardidge, Andrew; Mitri, Elise; Aminian, Parnaz ; George, Johnson; Elliott, Rohan A 
12523-Dec-2021Pharmacist-Facilitated Interactive E-Learning for Patients Newly Initiated on Warfarin: A Randomised Controlled Study.Young, Joanne; Nalder, Michelle J; Gorelik, Alexandra; Elliott, Rohan A 
1261-Jul-2012Pharmacist-led medication review to identify medication-related problems in older people referred to an Aged Care Assessment Team: a randomized comparative study.Elliott, Rohan A ; Martinac, Georgia; Campbell, Stephen; Thorn, Juliet; Woodward, Michael M 
12730-Dec-2019Pharmacist-Physician Collaboration to Improve the Accuracy of Medication Information in Electronic Medical Discharge Summaries: Effectiveness and Sustainability.Elliott, Rohan A ; Tan, Yixin; Chan, Vincent ; Richardson, Belinda ; Tanner, Francine E ; Dorevitch, Michael I 
128Feb-2017Poor reporting and documentation in drug-associated Steven Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis - lessons for medication safetyGoldblatt, C ; Khumra, Sharmila ; Booth, Jane; Urbancic, Karen F ; Grayson, M Lindsay ; Trubiano, Jason 
12928-Jun-2016Poor uptake of interdisciplinary medicine reviews for older people is a barrier to deprescribingElliott, Rohan A ; Lee, Cik Yin
13010-Jul-2018Post-Hospital Falls Prevention Intervention: A Mixed-Methods Study.Renehan, Emma; Meyer, Claudia; Elliott, Rohan A ; Batchelor, Frances; Said, Catherine M ; Haines, Terry; Goeman, Dianne
1312017Potentially inappropriate medication, anticholinergic burden, and mortality in people attending memory clinicsCross, Amanda J; George, Johnson; Woodward, Michael C; Ames, David; Brodaty, Henry; Wolfe, Rory; Connors, Michael H; Elliott, Rohan A 
132Jan-2016Potentially inappropriate medications and anticholinergic burden in older people attending memory clinics in AustraliaCross, Amanada J; George, Johnson; Woodward, Michael C; Ames, David; Brodaty, Henry; Ilomäki, Jenni; Elliott, Rohan A 
1332-Jan-2018Precision therapy for epilepsy due to KCNT1 mutations: A randomized trial of oral quinidine.Mullen, Saul A ; Carney, Patrick W ; Roten, Annie ; Ching, Michael ; Lightfoot, Paul A ; Churilov, Leonid ; Nair, Umesh; Li, Melody; Berkovic, Samuel F ; Petrou, Steven; Scheffer, Ingrid E 
134Apr-2021Prescription medication use by emergency department doctors to improve work and academic performance, and to manage stress and anxiety.Eggink, Karin M; Taylor, Simone E ; Judkins, Simon ; Taylor, David McD 
13525-Apr-2019Prevalence and recognition of highly significant medication-smoking cessation interactions in a smoke-free hospital.Chui, Chang Yue; Taylor, Simone E ; Thomas, Dennis; George, Johnson
136Feb-2016Primary antifungal prophylaxis in adult patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia: a multicentre audit.Doan, Tan N; Kirkpatrick, Carl M J; Walker, Patricia; Slavin, Monica A; Ananda-Rajah, Michelle R; Morrissey, C Orla; Urbancic, Karen F ; Grigg, Andrew P ; Spencer, Andrew; Szer, Jeffrey; Seymour, John F; Kong, David C M
137Aug-2020A prospective study of medication management during transitions from hospital to residential care: a 10‐year follow‐up to the MedGap studyElliott, Rohan A ; Boutros, Yvonne; Tran, Tim ; Taylor, Simone E 
1381-Apr-2021A prospective, randomized, double-blind trial of intravenous chlorpromazine versus intravenous prochlorperazine for the treatment of acute migraine in adults presenting to the emergency department.Hodgson, Sarah E; Harding, Andrew M ; Bourke, Elyssia M; Taylor, David McD ; Greene, Shaun L 
139Jun-2022Qualitative exploration of Australian Muslim patients’ perceptions and experiences surrounding medication management during Ramadan.To, The-Phung ; Taylor, Simone E ; Abdullah, Ayat; Abdullah, Nur; Huang, Kerry; Khan, Naemah; Shirzad, Sakinah; Elmi, Huda; Zayegh, Iman
14022-Nov-2011Quantitative efficacy of alcohol-based handrub against vancomycin-resistant enterococci on the hands of human volunteers.Grayson, M Lindsay ; Ballard, Susan A; Gao, W; Khumra, S ; Ward, P; Johnson, Paul D R ; Grabsch, Elizabeth A