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Heidelberg, Victoria

Results 1-8 of 8 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).

Publication YearTitleAuthor(s)
111-Dec-2023Dysthyroid optic neuropathy: a case series at a tertiary ophthalmic referral centre.Chung, In Young; Hardy, Thomas G; Khong, Jwu Jin
223-May-2022Prevalence of diabetic retinopathy in women with pregestational diabetes during pregnancy and the postpartum.Widyaputri, Felicia; Rogers, Sophie L; Khong, Edmund W C; Nankervis, Alison J; Conn, Jennifer J; Sasongko, Muhammad B; Shub, Alexis; Fagan, Xavier J; Guest, Daryl; Symons, Robert C A; Lim, Lyndell L
314-Mar-2022Vitamin A deficiency presenting with fungal keratitis and bilateral corneal perforations.Chung, In Young; Tavassoli, Shokufeh; Wong, Nathan; Cleary, Georgia
4Feb-2022Purtscher-like retinopathy in anti-MDA5 dermatomyositis: a window to underlying microvasculopathy.Nohrenberg, Michael; Tang, Yi Fan; Varma, Shivesh; Fagan, Xavier J; Hoi, Alberta Y 
52022Diagnostic accuracy of Immulite® TSI immunoassay for thyroid-associated orbitopathy in patients with recently diagnosed Graves' hyperthyroidism.Thia, Brandon; McGuinness, Myra B; Ebeling, Peter R; Khong, Jwu Jin
6Mar-2021Medical treatment in thyroid eye disease in 2020.Khong, Jwu Jin; McNab, Alan
77-Jan-2021Trends in elasticated strap-related injuries from Melbourne, Australia, 2007-2018.Rothschild, Philip; Meagher, Peter; Campbell, Thomas G
8Jun-2018Left acute neovascular glaucoma after right carotid endarterectomy.Radojcic, Matija ; Abell, Robin; Chuen, Jason