| | Publication Year | Title | Author(s) |
| 361 | May-2016 | Outcomes of exertional rhabdomyolysis following high-intensity resistance training. | Huynh, A; Leong, K; Jones, N ; Crump, Nicholas H ; Russell, D; Anderson, M; Steinfort, D; Johnson, Douglas F |
| 362 | May-2016 | Abnormal cognitive network interactions in Lennox-Gastaut syndrome: A potential mechanism of epileptic encephalopathy. | Warren, Aaron E L; Abbott, David F ; Vaughan, David N; Jackson, Graeme D ; Archer, John S |
| 363 | Apr-2016 | Cost-effectiveness of an insertable cardiac monitor to detect atrial fibrillation in patients with cryptogenic stroke. | Diamantopoulos, Alex; Sawyer, Laura M; Lip, Gregory Y H; Witte, Klaus K; Reynolds, Matthew R; Fauchier, Laurent; Thijs, Vincent; Brown, Ben; Quiroz Angulo, Maria E; Diener, Hans-Christoph |
| 364 | 31-Mar-2016 | Abnormal brain areas common to the focal epilepsies: multivariate pattern analysis of fMRI | Pedersen, Mangor; Curwood, Evan K; Vaughan, David N; Omidvarnia, Amir H; Jackson, Graeme D |
| 365 | Mar-2016 | Association of MTHFR C677T Genotype With Ischemic Stroke Is Confined to Cerebral Small Vessel Disease Subtype | Rutten-Jacobs, Loes C A; Traylor, Matthew; Adib-Samii, Poneh; Thijs, Vincent; Sudlow, Cathie; Rothwell, Peter M; Boncoraglio, Giorgio; Dichgans, Martin; Meschia, James; Maguire, Jane; Levi, Christopher R; Rost, Natalia S; Rosand, Jonathan; Hassan, Ahamad; Bevan, Steve; Markus, Hugh S |
| 366 | Mar-2016 | Polymicrogyric cortex may predispose to seizures via abnormal network topology: an fMRI connectomics study | Sethi, Moksh ; Pedersen, Mangor; Jackson, Graeme D |
| 367 | Feb-2016 | Pontine and cerebral atrophy in Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. | Newham, Benjamin J C; Curwood, Evan K; Jackson, Graeme D ; Archer, John S |
| 368 | 19-Jan-2016 | Predictors for atrial fibrillation detection after cryptogenic stroke: Results from CRYSTAL AF. | Thijs, Vincent N ; Brachmann, Johannes; Morillo, Carlos A; Passman, Rod S; Sanna, Tommaso; Bernstein, Richard A; Diener, Hans-Christoph; Di Lazzaro, Vincenzo; Rymer, Marilyn M; Hogge, Laurence; Rogers, Tyson B; Ziegler, Paul D; Assar, Manish D |
| 369 | 2016 | Genetic Associations With White Matter Hyperintensities Confer Risk of Lacunar Stroke. | Traylor, Matthew; Rutten-Jacobs, Loes C A; Thijs, Vincent N ; Holliday, Elizabeth G; Levi, Chris; Bevan, Steve; Malik, Rainer; Boncoraglio, Giorgio; Sudlow, Cathie; Rothwell, Peter M; Dichgans, Martin; Markus, Hugh S |
| 370 | 30-Jun-2014 | Therapeutic approaches to disease modifying therapy for multiple sclerosis in adults: an Australian and New Zealand perspective: part 1 historical and established therapies. | Broadley, Simon A; Barnett, Michael H; Boggild, Mike; Brew, Bruce J; Butzkueven, Helmut; Heard, Robert; Hodgkinson, Suzanne; Kermode, Allan G; Lechner-Scott, Jeannette; Macdonell, Richard A L ; Marriott, Mark; Mason, Deborah F; Parratt, John; Reddel, Stephen W; Shaw, Cameron P; Slee, Mark; Spies, Judith; Taylor, Bruce V; Carroll, William M; Kilpatrick, Trevor J; King, John; McCombe, Pamela A; Pollard, John D; Willoughby, Ernest |
| 371 | 30-Jun-2014 | Therapeutic approaches to disease modifying therapy for multiple sclerosis in adults: an Australian and New Zealand perspective: part 3 treatment practicalities and recommendations. | Broadley, Simon A; Barnett, Michael H; Boggild, Mike; Brew, Bruce J; Butzkueven, Helmut; Heard, Robert; Hodgkinson, Suzanne; Kermode, Allan G; Lechner-Scott, Jeannette; Macdonell, Richard A L ; Marriott, Mark; Mason, Deborah F; Parratt, John; Reddel, Stephen W; Shaw, Cameron P; Slee, Mark; Spies, Judith; Taylor, Bruce V; Carroll, William M; Kilpatrick, Trevor J; King, John; McCombe, Pamela A; Pollard, John D; Willoughby, Ernest |
| 372 | 28-Jun-2014 | Therapeutic approaches to disease modifying therapy for multiple sclerosis in adults: an Australian and New Zealand perspective: part 2 new and emerging therapies and their efficacy. | Broadley, Simon A; Barnett, Michael H; Boggild, Mike; Brew, Bruce J; Butzkueven, Helmut; Heard, Robert; Hodgkinson, Suzanne; Kermode, Allan G; Lechner-Scott, Jeannette; Macdonell, Richard A L ; Marriott, Mark; Mason, Deborah F; Parratt, John; Reddel, Stephen W; Shaw, Cameron P; Slee, Mark; Spies, Judith; Taylor, Bruce V; Carroll, William M; Kilpatrick, Trevor J; King, John; McCombe, Pamela A; Pollard, John D; Willoughby, Ernest |
| 373 | 31-Mar-2014 | Common experiences of patients following suboptimal treatment outcomes: implications for epilepsy surgery. | Fernando, Dinusha K; McIntosh, Anne M ; Bladin, Peter F ; Wilson, Sarah J |
| 374 | 6-Feb-2014 | Mistaken identity: granular cell astrocytoma masquerading as histiocytosis of the central nervous system. | Campbell, Robert N; Liew, Mun Sem; Gan, Hui K ; Cher, Lawrence M |
| 375 | 21-Oct-2013 | Choking, asphyxiation and the insular seizure. | Geevasinga, Nimeshan; Archer, John S ; Ng, Karl |
| 376 | 4-Oct-2013 | Thromboembolic stroke associated with thoracic outlet syndrome. | Meumann, Ella M; Chuen, Jason ; Fitt, Gregory J ; Perchyonok, Yuliya ; Pond, Franklin; Dewey, Helen M |
| 377 | 17-Jul-2013 | EEG-fMRI in focal epilepsy: local activation and regional networks. | Flanagan, D; Badawy, Radwa A B; Jackson, Graeme D |
| 378 | 7-Sep-2012 | Chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency is not more prevalent in patients with mild multiple sclerosis: a sonographer-blinded, case-control ultrasound study. | Chambers, Brian R ; Chambers, Jayne; Cameron, Heather; Macdonell, Richard A L |
| 379 | 1-Aug-2012 | Case of syndrome of headache with neurological deficits and cerebrospinal fluid lymphocytosis (HaNDL) with focal slowing on electroencephalogram. | Tsang, B K-T; Kwong, Jason C ; Dewey, Helen M |
| 380 | 1-Jun-2012 | Cortical excitability in migraine and epilepsy: a common feature? | Badawy, Radwa A B; Jackson, Graeme D |