OrgUnit's Researchers

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Ho, Wai

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 1-20 of 21 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).

Publication YearTitleAuthor(s)
113-Mar-2014Auer rod-like inclusions in plasma cells in multiple myeloma.Ho, Wai Khoon ; Zantomio, Daniela 
2Feb-2017CALR exon 9 mutations in idiopathic splanchnic vein thrombosis in an Australian cohortHo, Wai Khoon ; Hong, Frank S
3Nov-2020Cold Agglutinin Disease and Hemolytic Crisis After Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest in a Patient With Beta-Thalassemia Minor.Duffy, Christopher; Bain, Christopher; Cairo, Sesto A; Hogan, Christopher ; Geldard, Paul; Larobina, Marco; Lin, Enjarn; Tutungi, Elli; Miles, Lachlan F 
41-Jul-2010Deep vein thrombosis--risks and diagnosis.Ho, Wai Khoon 
5Oct-2015Dose-adjusted arsenic trioxide for acute promyelocytic leukaemia in chronic renal failure.Firkin, Frank; Roncolato, Fernando; Ho, Wai Khoon 
626-Feb-2021First reported case of successful deceased donor kidney transplantation in the presence of cold agglutinins and triple positive antiphospholipid antibodies.Leung, Po Yee Mia; Michell, Ian; Steven, Mark; Hogan, Christopher ; Borosak, Marija; Miles, Lachlan F ; Whitlam, John B ; Lee, Darren Hui Kwong 
7Oct-2021Low prevalence of antiannexin A5 antibodies in unprovoked venous thrombosis.Ho, Wai Khoon ; Rigano, Joseph
81-Nov-2014Management of very high risk pregnancy with secondary anti-phospholipid syndrome and triple positivity to the anti-phospholipid antibodies.Rose, Hannah L; Ho, Wai Khoon 
94-Apr-2022The other parts of the blood group alphabet: meeting the diverse requirements of our changing population.Hogan, Christopher ; Street, Alison
1029-Jan-2021Pitfalls in the assessment of disseminated intravascular coagulation in patients on dabigatran.Kanda, Gurbaksh Singh; Ho, Wai Khoon ; Rodrigues, Christopher; Bousounis, Anna; Hogan, Christopher 
114-Sep-2017Prevalence and causes of preoperative anaemia in elective major surgery patientsHong, Frank S; Sieradzki, Nicole; Pollock, Claire; Nasra, Faye; Mo, Allison ; Willcox, Abbey ; Churilov, Leonid ; Ho, Wai Khoon ; Smith, Carole
12Aug-2018Prevalence of antiphospholipid antibodies in an Australian cohort of patients with unprovoked venous thromboembolism.Ho, Wai Khoon ; Rigano, Joseph
13Apr-2020Prevalence of autoantibodies directed against prothrombin in unprovoked venous thromboembolism.Ho, Wai Khoon ; Rigano, Joseph
14Jun-2018Red blood cell specifications for patients with hemoglobinopathies: a systematic review and guideline.Compernolle, Veerle; Chou, Stella T; Tanael, Susano; Savage, William; Howard, Jo; Josephson, Cassandra D; Odame, Isaac; Hogan, Christopher ; Denomme, Gregory; Shehata, Nadine
15Nov-2020Research Trends in Anticoagulation Therapy over the Last 25 Years.Mian, Mustafa K; Sreedharan, Subhashaan; Limaye, Neeraj S; Hogan, Christopher ; Darvall, Jai N
1611-Aug-2023Rotational ThromboElastometry-guided blood component administration versus standard of care in patients with Cirrhosis and coagulopathy undergoing Invasive ProcEdures (RECIPE): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.Janko, Natasha; Majeed, Ammar; Kemp, William; Hogan, Christopher ; Nandurkar, Harshal; Roberts, Stuart K
171-Aug-2011Should adult patients be routinely tested for heritable thrombophilia after an episode of venous thromboembolism?Ho, Wai Khoon ; Hankey, Graeme J; Eikelboom, John W
18Aug-2017The superficial femoral vein - time to change this misnomer.Chua, Chong Chyn ; Hong, Frank S; Ho, Wai Khoon 
192-Feb-2022Unique nested formation in a case of large cell transformation of follicular lymphoma mimicking adenocarcinoma.Rees, Matthew J ; Hogan, Christopher ; Fancourt, Tineke ; Ho, Wai Khoon 
208-Jul-2021The use of organ donor blood in liver transplantation.Tang, Gia Toan; Shaylor, Ruth; Hui, Victor; Przybylowski, Greg; Jones, Robert M ; Starkey, Graham M ; Perini, Marcos V ; Wang, Bao-Zhong; Zantomio, Daniela ; Hogan, Christopher ; Fink, Michael A