Browsing by Author Peeters, André

Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Publication YearTitleAuthor(s)
Aug-2018Is There Full or Proportional Somatosensory Recovery in the Upper Limb After Stroke? Investigating Behavioral Outcome and Neural Correlates.Boccuni, Leonardo; Meyer, Sarah; Kessner, Simon S; De Bruyn, Nele; Essers, Bea; Cheng, Bastian; Thomalla, Götz; Peeters, André; Sunaert, Stefan; Duprez, Thierry; Marinelli, Lucio; Trompetto, Carlo; Thijs, Vincent N ; Verheyden, Geert
2019Mismatch between observed and perceived upper limb function: an eye-catching phenomenon after stroke.Essers, Bea; Meyer, Sarah; De Bruyn, Nele; Van Gils, Annick; Boccuni, Leonardo; Tedesco Triccas, Lisa; Peeters, André; Thijs, Vincent N ; Feys, Hilde; Verheyden, Geert
23-Dec-2019Premotor dorsal white matter integrity for the prediction of upper limb motor impairment after stroke.Boccuni, Leonardo; Meyer, Sarah; D'cruz, Nicholas; Kessner, Simon S; Marinelli, Lucio; Trompetto, Carlo; Peeters, André; Van Pesch, Vincent; Duprez, Thierry; Sunaert, Stefan; Feys, Hilde; Thijs, Vincent N ; Nieuwboer, Alice; Verheyden, Geert
2022Thrombectomy is a cost-saving procedure up to 24 h after onset.Nivelle, Emilia; Dewilde, Sarah; Peeters, André; Vanhooren, Geert; Thijs, Vincent N